Scars cannot be entirely eliminated, although they can frequently be concealed. Your general practitioner might suggest that you get treatment from a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. You will need to pay for some treatments privately because they are not frequently provided by the NHS, such as laser therapy and steroid injections. Scars cannot be entirely eliminated, although they can frequently be concealed. Your general practitioner might suggest that you get treatment from a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. You will need to pay for some treatments privately because they are not frequently provided by the NHS, such as laser therapy and steroid injections.
Scars cannot be entirely eliminated, although they can frequently be concealed. Your general practitioner might suggest that you get treatment from a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. You will need to pay for some treatments privately because they are not frequently provided by the NHS, such as laser therapy and steroid injections. Scars cannot be entirely eliminated, although they can frequently be concealed. Your general practitioner might suggest that you get treatment from a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. You will need to pay for some treatments privately because they are not frequently provided by the NHS, such as laser therapy and steroid injections.