Dermatitis is a group of skin conditions that cause redness, itching, and rashes. Treatments include topical corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, antihistamines for itching, moisturizers to hydrate the skin, and avoiding irritants. Severe cases may require oral medications or phototherapy.
Dermatitis is a group of skin conditions that cause redness, itching, and rashes. Treatments include topical corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, antihistamines for itching, moisturizers to hydrate the skin, and avoiding irritants. Severe cases may require oral medications or phototherapy.
In Bonn, there are 1 clinics that offer Dermatitis Treatment
Dermatitis in Germany is typically treated with topical corticosteroids or oral medications. Severe cases may require phototherapy or immunosuppressants. Cost ranges from €50-€200 per session for topical treatments, and €1,500-€4,500 for a phototherapy course. German hospitals boast advanced technology and short waiting times of 1-3 weeks.
Free consultations are often available at universities or teaching hospitals. Some herbal remedies, like chamomile cream, may also be used.