Indonesia - Balikpapan
4.0 7 reviews

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Smec -BALIKPAPAN Reviews

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Open until what time???

Sahrul Ramadana - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Good afternoon sis, operational hours are Monday-Saturday (08.00-20.00). For further information contact our service on 0804 1 227788 (Telephone) 0811 901 1234 (WhatsApp).

Response from the ownera year ago

Is there a doctor on Sunday, please let me know

Ahmad Sarnubi - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Good morning Brother Ahmad, SMEC Balikpapan is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Response from the ownera year ago

Faster and professional handling

Sherif - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Hello Sis Syarief, thank you for the review. I hope you're always healthy. #KeepYourEyesHealthy

Response from the ownera year ago

I came very late in the afternoon and it turned out I was still able to serve. Very alert, fast and responsive service. Doctors and nurses πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» maasyaallah Yesterday I checked my retina via BPJS and it continued to be served until my pupils dilated and finished before Maghrib, thank God Inside is also clean, and not crowded because there are lots of chairs provided. The equipment is all sophisticated too. Very topp, first time coming but gives a really good impression.. Continued success SMEC.... (Show more)

Hairun Nisa - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Hello Sis Hairun Nisa, thank you for the review. For further information, please contact SMEC Customer Care via: Livechat: WhatsApp: 0811 901 1234 Telephone: 0804 122 7788 #KeepYourEyesHealthy

Response from the ownera year ago

A special eye hospital with fairly complete equipment. Treats mild to severe eye pain

As AS - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you, Botek Bujur, for your assessment. If you need information about SMEC Eye Hospital, you can contact Customer Care at the following service: Livechat: WhatsApp: 0811 901 1234 Telephone: 0804 122 7788

Response from the owner2 years ago

At least, if the doctor is not yet available, let the patient who is waiting know, so that those who have been waiting from morning until noon can take them out for lunch. Queued from 10am until 3am but still didn't meet the doctor. When I asked, I just said the doctor would only come if I wanted to come out in just 30 minutes. If it passes, it will be cancelled. That's okay... (Show more)

intand henny - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Good afternoon Sis Intan Henny, we apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with the service provided. We will use this complaint as material for future evaluation and improvement to be able to continue to improve the quality in providing maximum service to patients. Please convey your complaint and its chronology as well as your/patient's personal data via direct message or contact SMEC Customer Care service via telephone at 0804 122 7788 or via WhatsApp at 0811 901 1234 so that we can help you follow up regarding this matter. Thank You.

Response from the owner2 years ago

The service is good, but it feels crowded, because it takes too long

Jihan Sb - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Good afternoon Sis Jihan sb, we apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with the service provided. We will use this complaint as material for future evaluation and improvement to be able to continue to improve the quality in providing maximum service to patients. Please convey your complaint and its chronology as well as your/patient's personal data via direct message or contact SMEC Customer Care service via telephone at 0804 122 7788 or via WhatsApp at 0811 901 1234 so that we can help you follow up regarding this matter. Thank You.

Response from the owner2 years ago
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Dr Herman
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Dr Christina YY Bangun

Dr Nur Chaironika
Dr Nur Chaironika

Nur Chaironika is an in Cataract and Refractive Ophtalmologist surgery unit at SMEC Pekanbaru. She graduated from YARSI University, Jakarta as Medical Doctor in 2003, and continued her residency in 2006-2011 ata North Sumatra University. She has finished the Advanced Phacoemulsification Training Program at SMEC field in 2011. She has been a speaker in the National event Reviews such as Indonesian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (InaSCRS). She is a member of Perdami (IOA), InaSCRS and APACRS