RSU Islam Harapan Anda

Indonesia - Tegal
4.7 489 reviews

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RSU Islam Harapan Anda Reviews

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The hospital is clean and comfortable

Dedeh Hendrawan - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr Dedeh Hendrawan. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

The service is very good, friendly and alert

Melin Nanda - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Melin Nanda. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

The place is clean and the service is good..

Pendi Susilo - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr Pendi Susilo. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

The service is very good and the facilities are very comfortable

Abdulloh Ms - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr Abdulloh MS, thank you for your comments, praise and star rating. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital

Response from the ownera year ago

Thank God, extraordinary service

Sriantika Putri - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Sriantika Putri. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

The facilities and services are very satisfying

umi fadilah - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Umi Fadilah. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

The service is friendly, disciplined and the place is clean. Very good

Bunda Aiden - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Aiden, thank you for your comments, praise and star rating. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital

Response from the ownera year ago

The service at your hospital is very good

Wiwin Widiyanti - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Wiwin Widiyanti, thank you for your comments, praise and star rating. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital

Response from the ownera year ago

The place is clean, comfortable and the best service

Johan Pradesta - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr Johan Pradesta. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

The service is friendly, the facilities are complete and comfortable.

Dodi Junarso - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr Dodi Junarso. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

Thank you for being patient and very painstaking in taking care of me.

Tri Handayani - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Tri Handayani, thank you for your comments, praise and star rating. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital

Response from the ownera year ago

Very happy and satisfied with the service here

Sulisty 18 - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr Sulisty 18. Thank you for the comments, praise and star rating. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

Private Hospital with very good service quality, even though we are BPJS patients.

Malik Farhan - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr Malik Farhan. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

Thank you RSUI Harapan, especially the amaryllis room for taking good care of my child.

GoodLuck-Man - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr GoodLuck-Man. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

Very good service, friendly, agile, always successful, the Amaryllis team

ari sumanto - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr Ari Sumanto. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

The service at RSI, your hope, the southern orchid room is very good, thank you for the service

Beny Gunawan - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mr. Beny Gunawan, thank you for your comments, praise and star rating. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital

Response from the ownera year ago

The hospital prioritizes friendly service.😊 …

Dina Fahara - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Dina Fahara. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

Good service, clean room, friendly nurses.

Rizki Fauziah - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Rizki Fauziah. Thank you for the comments, praise and star ratings. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital.

Response from the ownera year ago

So far the hospital with the best service in the city of Tegal. The doctors and nurses were all very helpful and friendly.

Vita Merriana - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Vita Merriana, thank you for your comments, praise and star rating. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital

Response from the ownera year ago

Thank God, while I was being treated at RSI, I was very grateful to the doctors and nurses who were patient.

Tina Tina - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Mrs. Tina Tina, thank you for your comments, praise and star rating. Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital is committed to being the best hospital for patients and families. Warm greetings from all of us at Harapan Anda Islamic General Hospital

Response from the ownera year ago
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Address: POLYCLINIC HEART AND BLOOD VESSEL, Jalan Ababil No. 42, Jawa, TegalIndonesia
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Dr Min Athoilah
Dr Min Athoilah