Panagiotis Bakalios

Greece - Thessaloniki
4.8 59 reviews

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Excellent doctor

panos var - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I know Mr. Anagnostis from Hippocrates, where he practiced until today. He is a highly knowledgeable scientist who cares about the progress of his patients.

Κουλα Κεπαπιδου - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

very good doctor very explanatory in all the diagnoses he makes. I highly recommend him

Samaras Thanasis - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Amazing doctor and person! Although very calm, friendly. He deals deeply with the case and makes you feel calm and familiar with him. Illustrative. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND HIM...

ΜΑΡΙΑ ΣΑΠΟΥΝΑ - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Very good doctor and good person! He spends a lot of time on the history and examination. It has helped me a lot with my thyroid and diabetes. I highly recommend.

filiw milliou2 - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I know Mr. Anagonis from the Hippocrates hospital. I have met it there. He is an excellent scientist. Excellent people, excellent doctor. I recommend him 1000% And I don't compare him to any doctor. !!!!

natasha dyrka - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Polite and interested in the patient! Patient in explaining and resolving any queries. His secretary is also very nice and helpful!

Annita Kiorpelidou - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Excellent doctor, very talkative. He has been following my husband for three years.And a very

Αννα Σιδηροπουλου - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

A highly qualified scientist with respect for his patient, he inspires absolute trust. I thank him very much

Litsa Klig - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Courteous doctor who inspires confidence. He took the time to examine me, took a history, explained in detail what I was dealing with, respectfully answered my concerns.

Antriana Tyropoli - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

An amazing scientist and a wonderful doctor, he cares and looks for you in everything and also answers all your questions

Mina Melitou - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Mr. Reader is an excellent scientist! Dealing extensively with the patient's history and performing a thorough check-up, he offers excellent and qualified medical services and with absolute respect for the patient.

ioanna bazouki - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Very good scientist and kind. He spends enough time in the visit without rushing and clearly explains the reasons for choosing the treatment he recommends. He also shows an interest in understanding the patient's entire health history and prompts questions to clarify the various health issues the patient is concerned about.... (Show more)

Piyi Vlachou - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Excellent doctor! fully qualified in his field! he answers all your questions! and above all HUMAN! I highly recommend him!

Panagitsa Hand - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Mr. Anagnostis is an accomplished endocrinologist-diabetologist who inspires confidence in you from the first day and for this reason he has been following me for 4 years, an excellent scientist with constant knowledge of his type of work and above all with courtesy and to give all the information he needs to reassure you about the problem that exists!!!... (Show more)

Μαρια Μπαντη - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The best scientist.

Maria Karagiannaki - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Excellent scientist, well qualified in his field! He has been my doctor for over a decade and I have no plans to stop seeing him. I trust him in his diagnoses, he punctured my lumps twice and the biopsies confirmed what he told me. I recommend him unreservedly, what he suggests is really for the good of the patient! I know my thyroid is in good hands and that takes all the stress away.... (Show more)

ATHANASIA FANTI - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Recognized scientist throughout Greece and beyond!!!!

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΣ ΒΕΛΟΣ - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Distinguished doctor with excellent scientific and clinical work but also undivided care and devotion to his patients! He never stops his study and research in science that is why he is one of the best endocrinologists. Above all, he is distinguished by humanity, ethics and selflessness! His advice and treatment changed my life! I highly recommend him!... (Show more)

Ευτέρπη Δημοσθένους - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

He did me a lot of harm....With my thyroid..He gave me high doses of medicine.. MY hair fell out About 60%..eyes were voice was hoarse...And ironically he told me to put on a wig....When I went to his office..I always left with tears in my eyes..I am truly sorry..

Μαρία Κορώνη Σιδηρά - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Any criticism is welcome, as long as it is well-intentioned and based on real and scientifically documented data. The reality is that you came to me as early as 2016 for the health problem you are talking about and I undertook your treatment with complete success. By your own will you stopped our cooperation for a period of 2.5 years, but you came back to me at the beginning of this year of your own free will, apparently, after reaching out to other colleagues. We proceeded with your treatment based on all the medical protocols and rules of medical science required for your case, without any problems at all. In particular, the doses of medication administered to you were absolutely necessary and appropriate based on international guidelines, exactly as required for your case, with a gradual reduction or increase depending on the response to the treatment. In addition to the above, the same recommended dosage was given to you by me at the beginning of this year, with absolutely no side effects. The appearance of hair loss is a RARE AND TRANSIENT SIDE EFFECT in these cases, especially when the thyroid function is reversed, which is nevertheless a GOOD PROGNOSTIC POINT for the course of the disease, as international studies have shown, as well as ours from the GNTH " Hippocrates" (Endocrine 2013;44:448-53), without being an end in itself. In a constant threatening and aggressive style and ignoring the doctor's instructions, you insisted on stopping the treatment making me solely responsible for the hair loss, and ignoring the other serious health problem you have, which is also associated. I was NEVER mocking you (wearing a wig is always a temporary solution, as in other cases). At my own prompting and insistence, the treatment regimen I suggested to you was successful, as the values ​​of the laboratory tests gradually returned to normal, so the possible hair loss of which you speak is no longer associated with thyroid gland dysfunction. You recently made an appointment at my practice, which you canceled, citing symptoms of an infection, and came back with an abusive comment online. I wish you all the best in your life.

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Address: Agios Dimitrios 115, Thessaloniki, 546 34Greece
Leaflet QanoMed
Panagiotis Bakalios
Panagiotis Bakalios

He graduated from the Dental School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) in 1991, with grade "Very Good". In 1994 he was admitted to the graduate program in Periodontology (clinical and research) of the Eastman Dental Hospital and Institute of London, from where he graduated in 1996 with the title of Master in Periodontics (MSc-In Periodontology) . Since 1997, the office in Thessaloniki (Agios Dimitrios 115) provide the entire spectrum of dental work , specializing in treatment-conservative and cheirourgiki- of gum disease . The dentist Panagiotis Bakalios have sound scientific training and ensure continuous service training (through Congress). So the dentist becomes possible to effectively address the majority of dental work (periodontal treatment, fillings, cosmetic dentistry, endodontic therapy, prosthetic restorations, implants, whitening, oral surgery).