Isokinetic -Turin Branch

Italy - Torino
4.9 257 reviews

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Isokinetic -Turin Branch Reviews

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I was found to have an intraforaminal C6C7 hernia, with excruciating pain that I had to use opiates, 3 weeks of cortisone and Lyrica 75mg to calm. After the acute phase of about 40 days I had two medical visits, one of which was with a well-known neurosurgeon with a catastrophic diagnosis and immediate intervention! I went to Isokinetc with the hope of having a different response, but instead they confirmed the seriousness of the situation. The Dr. Tomaello confronted me with the evidence of the facts, but also proposed that we try, warning me that it was a very demanding process with no certainty of a positive result! I'll keep it short. In two months, 3 months after the event, I have recovered practically all my mobility and I am regaining strength in the affected muscles. I stopped going to the center about 1 week ago and follow their instructions with the exercises I do 3 times a week at the gym near my home. Both Dr. Tomaello, Paolo, Roberto and Giuseppe (together with the 4 girls at the reception) were incredibly professional. The structure is clean, with attention to detail, beautiful and comfortable. Full of latest generation machinery. and they are always present, attentive, patient but above all scrupulous and full of energy! I hope I never have such serious problems again, but if I do, I now know where to go.... (Show more)

Pietro Montagna - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dear Pietro, with an often challenging rehabilitation process ahead, we want to give patients the right environment and the right support. Recovering your mobility is the best news. A hug from all of us!

Response from the ownera year ago

Hyper professional and everyone with a smile: thanks to Alessandra, Isabella, Beppe, Paolo and Dr. Marco Gastaldo. a perfect team!

Massimo Barrera - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

A "perfect team with a smile". This way you heal faster! Greetings from all of us.

Response from the ownera year ago

I carried out my post-operative rehabilitation journey at the Isokinetic centre. After a bad injury, an optimal surgery, I started rehabilitation. During this process I was followed scrupulously and with great professionalism and competence by all the Isokinetic staff. Their preparation and constant updating is evident. A special thank you to Dr. Tencone who followed my long journey with competence and dedication, marking every step, and to Roberto who assisted me in my rehabilitation with professionalism and determination. To date I have returned to sports without any post-operative complications.... (Show more)

Ileana Suprina Petrovic - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Nice to hear that you're back playing sports, that was our goal! Greetings from Dr. Tencone and Roberto.

Response from the ownera year ago

The path I followed at the headquarters in via delle Orfane in Turin was not a banal rehabilitation but a piece of life. I attended this facility for more than a year, first for a lumbar hernia, then for a rupture of the right anterior cruciate (which required pre- and post-surgery physiotherapy). Both problems were resolved within the expected time and manner, without any setbacks. The preparation and professionalism of Isokinetic staff is now recognized and appreciated at a national level and beyond, but what makes this facility exceptional is the humanity shown towards the patient. With anyone I have dealt with, from the attending doctor to the equally indispensable attendant, the human aspect has always been the first prerogative. In some ways I regret having reached the end of the rehabilitation process. Special thanks to Dr. Tomaello, to the re-educators Alessandra, Isabella and Paolo (without order of precedence) and to all the girls at the reception, beautiful and very kind. As someone has already said: "Worthy of my imperishable memory".... (Show more)

Nico Tanzarella - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

We spent a lot of time together and the rehabilitation process wasn't easy, but together we made it! We are waiting for you at the center to say hello.

Response from the ownera year ago

I went to Isokinetic after a calf injury. Super competent staff, they are close to you throughout the entire journey.

francesca campigotto - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

We want to be, for those who come to us, like a second home where the atmosphere favors the treatment process. Thank you, Francesca.

Response from the ownera year ago

I was followed for a neck pain problem which was becoming limiting for my private and professional life.......saying followed is limiting because you are welcomed, treated and even "pampered" with professionalism and competence! The historic building in which the center's premises are located is evocative!!... (Show more)

Tiziana Dalzott - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

A patient is first and foremost a person. We strongly believe in the fact that we should feel like home. Greetings from our staff!

Response from the ownera year ago

Doctor Tencone is truly unique! but also all the guys are very good and professional and immediately put you at ease. a special thanks to Paolo and Alessandra. if you want to get back physically fit after an injury this is the right place in Turin

piero marchesi - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

We are available to patients for this, to bring them back to health after an injury. Thanks, Piero. We share your words with all our staff.

Response from the ownera year ago

I followed a knee rehabilitation program at the Isokinetic center in Turin. During this period I was followed by a team of highly trained professionals who welcomed me and followed me with great professionalism, making me feel at home. I thank the team of physiotherapists made up of Roberto, Giuseppe and Paolo for the excellent work done together. A special thank you to Dr. Tencone who followed and directed every single moment of my rehabilitation process with great attention, demonstrating as always his extraordinary competence. All this within a structure that is nothing short of marvelous where the welcome is of the best.... (Show more)

Enrico dedominici - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

A rehabilitation path must be taken care of in every detail, from the treatment environments to the work of our staff. We are very happy with your words. Thanks, Enrico.

Response from the ownera year ago

360 DEGREE EXCELLENCE = EXCELLENT RESULTS Many thanks to Dr. Gastaldo, the physiotherapists Marisa and Valeria, the girls at the reception Rossella, Elena, Sabrina, Simona and Sarah. After almost 9 months I will miss you. "YOU ARE A VERY STRONG TEAM, MADE OF FANTASTIC PEOPLE" keep it up 🔝 It doesn't seem real to me that I can walk again. A thousand thanks! Silvia Grosso... (Show more)

Andrea e Silvia Motto - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Nine months of intense work but together we have reached a very important goal. Come and visit us for a greeting!

Response from the ownera year ago

I returned to Isokinetic due to a knee problem, after having suffered a shoulder problem last year. This time too I felt very good and, above all, now that I have finished the therapies I feel much better than when I started them. I thank Dr. Tencone and the physiotherapist Giuseppe.

Stefano Papa - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you for placing your trust in us on this occasion too! Delighted that you feel "so much better."

Response from the ownera year ago

Highly qualified staff who prefer hard rehabilitation work on the pitch and in the gym, maintaining a constant focus on the individual goal through personalized work. State-of-the-art equipment and remarkable spaces. Highly recommended!

francesco savio - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much, Francesco, for appreciating our rehabilitation method and our environments.

Response from the ownera year ago

"WHERE YOU RETURN TO PLAY". Not a simple sentence..... Isokinetic means sweat, effort, emotionally delicate moments but always pleasant to face with a FABULOUS staff who always knows how to put a smile on your face. Serenity reigns supreme in an environment of professionals in every way. My son tore his ACL and today after 5 and a half months of hard daily work he can finally revisit the pitch in SAFETY... that safety that Dr. Tencone and all the staff know how to convey to you day after day. Anyone who cannot practice the sport they love due to an injury is always a difficult and restless patient.......for this I sincerely thank BEPPE who took Matteo under his wing and accompanied him like a brother for go back to smelling the grass. Never severe but always pretentious!!!! I thank Paolo, Roberto, Isabella, Alessandra and all the girls at the reception who never made Matteo miss anything. I WANTED TO THANK MY SON MATTEO FOR HAVING BEEN A MODEL PATIENT FOR SELF-DENIAL AND TENACITY. THE ROUTE IS UPHILL BUT THE ROAD IS SMALL.........FULL AHEAD!!!!! You are a beautiful family and I will always carry you in my heart.... (Show more)

Lanzafame Giovanni - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thanks, John. You perfectly summarized what our "Where You Return to Play" contains. And a hug from all of us to Matteo!

Response from the ownera year ago

After the hip surgery I entrusted myself to Dr. Tomaello for rehabilitation. In the isokinetic center, the doctor has programmed exercises in the gym and swimming pool with periodic and constant checks. I carried out the exercises with the guidance of the physiotherapist who with competence and a lot of patience led me towards the full recovery and functionality of my leg! Sincere thanks to the physiatrist Dr. Tomaello and the physiotherapist Isabella! Absolutely recommendable!... (Show more)

Giovanna Vent - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you, Joanna! Your rehabilitation path required gradualness and tailor-made exercises. But what matters most now is the full recovery of the leg. Greetings from all the staff.

Response from the ownera year ago

Dr Cento is an excellent professional. I strongly recommend that you bring the problem to your attention before starting any pain relief therapy. Always present yourself with MRI or other instrumental tests that can help him treat you. I recommend it, it solved many problems for me and my family

Graziella Zanchetta - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr. Cento thanks you very much! Instrumental and diagnostic tests represent a very valid support for setting the most correct treatment path. Greetings, Graziella.

Response from the ownera year ago

For the third time I completely entrusted myself to the care of the professionals at Isokinetic in Turin and I can only repeat myself: exceptional from every point of view! Professional to the highest degree and empathetic to the point of making you feel at home! Work willingly and get back in shape! Thanks Isokinetic!!!... (Show more)

Nicoletta Minotti - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you, Nicoletta, for trusting us on this occasion too. Flattered and proud of the trust you give us every time. Greetings from our staff!

Response from the ownera year ago

I fractured my fibula on January 2, 2023 and by April I was practically able to ride a bike and do almost everything. It is a fantastic centre, well organized and very helpful with patient needs. I definitely recommend it.

sergio basei - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thanks, Sergio! Nice to see you back on your bike. Greetings from all the staff.

Response from the ownera year ago

Best physiotherapy center in Turin for the recovery of the anterior cruciate ligament. Thanks to all the isokinetic staff

William Mauro - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Recovery from a cruciate ligament injury requires the right place, and we strive every day to be that place. Thanks, William.

Response from the ownera year ago

From 2003 to today I have turned to this facility for various rehabilitation problems. They have always solved them perfectly for me. Thanks to Dr. Tencone and to the physiotherapists Roby, Marisa, Valeria, Paolo and all the others for their professionalism, availability and kindness.

Santa Radogna - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Happy to have been able to lend our support when needed. Dr. Tencone and all the staff of the Center express their heartfelt thanks.

Response from the ownera year ago

At Isokinetik I had such a positive experience that I forgot why I was there. The Dr. Marco Gastaldo and all the staff of the Turin office - Rossella and the others, Marisa in the swimming pool, Isabella in the gym, welcomed me and took care of me. For me it's a fixed appointment now: I take the Cagliari-Turin flight not only to see my daughter and my friends but also to stop by via delle Orfane and say hello to everyone.... (Show more)

elena tropeano - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Meeting you again for a greeting is always a great pleasure for us. Come visit us when you're in town! Best regards from all our team.

Response from the ownera year ago

From the first moment I immediately felt at ease. I thank Isabella, Alessandra and Giuseppe who helped me a lot. The fact that the staff is very young and qualified made me feel in a very serene and formal environment, where we laugh and joke and at the same time work very hard. I thank Doctor Tencone who, by monitoring me from week to week, put together a program that was able to bring out the best in me.... (Show more)

Matteo Toffanin - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

For an effective rehabilitation process, it's true, you need to bring out the best. And you did it! Together we did a great job. Thanks, Matteo.

Response from the ownera year ago
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Address: via Rosmini, 5/A, Turin, 10126Italy
Leaflet QanoMed