Dott. Giuseppe Cuccia - Milan

Italy - Milan

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Address: Via Gaetano Donizetti n. 12, Milan, 20122Italy
Leaflet QanoMed
Dr Giuseppe Cuccia
Dr Giuseppe Cuccia

Proclaimed a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery (new system) at the University of Palermo with 110/110 and honors July 26, 1999. Admission to the practice of Surgeon at the University of Palermo during the First Session of the calendar year in May 2000. Register of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Palermo June 12, 2000. Specialized Honours in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the University of Messina in 2004. University Diploma in microsurgical techniques at "Ecole de Chirurgie" Paris, 18 June 2002. Since September 2004 associate member of the "British Association of Plastic Surgeons in Training" (Association "Plasta"). Since November 2004 Socio SICPRE. Italian Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Since November 2007 Socio SIM. Italian Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery. Since November 2009 Socio SIES. Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery. From 2003 to 2005: Activity of "Honorary Research Fellow" at the "Canniesburn Plastic Surgery Unit" and title of "Registrar" Center for Burns, Trauma, and any other service of Plastic Surgery at the "Canniesburn Plastic Surgery Unit" of Glasgow, Great Britain. Proclaimed in March 2008 PhD cum laude, with a thesis entitled "New experimental model for the production of bio-engineered constructs provided with neurovascular bundle". University of Messina. From 2008 to 2010: Worked at the division of plastic surgery conducted by prof. Jean Yves Petit at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO, dir. Umberto Veronesi) Milan. He perfected his training in cosmetic surgery courses and stays in Italy, Europe, the US and Brazil. He works freelance at major private clinics. Current employment status: Medical Director Freelancer.