Vision therapy is a customized program designed to improve visual skills and abilities beyond basic eye function. It addresses conditions such as convergence insufficiency, amblyopia, strabismus, and eye teaming issues. Through various exercises, patients learn to enhance their eye-brain connection for improved vision.
Vision therapy is a customized program designed to improve visual skills and abilities beyond basic eye function. It addresses conditions such as convergence insufficiency, amblyopia, strabismus, and eye teaming issues. Through various exercises, patients learn to enhance their eye-brain connection for improved vision.
Vision therapy in Turkey is a personalized program to improve visual skills and abilities. It uses various techniques such as eye exercises, lenses, prisms, and patches. This treatment can help patients with amblyopia, strabismus, and other visual disorders.
Turkey has a well-developed healthcare system with modern facilities and experienced professionals. Vision therapy is widely available in major cities.