A porcelain crown is a tooth restoration procedure whereby a damaged tooth is covered with a custom-made porcelain cap. It strengthens and restores the tooth's shape, size, strength and appearance while preventing further damage. Porcelain is color-matched to natural enamel, creating an aesthetic appearance.
A porcelain crown is a tooth restoration procedure whereby a damaged tooth is covered with a custom-made porcelain cap. It strengthens and restores the tooth's shape, size, strength and appearance while preventing further damage. Porcelain is color-matched to natural enamel, creating an aesthetic appearance.
A porcelain crown is a tooth restoration procedure that uses tooth-colored ceramic material to completely cover and restore the function, appearance and shape of a damaged tooth. It's often used for large fillings or root canal treatments.
Australia has a modern dental healthcare system with high standards. Crowns are usually prepared in two appointments with a waiting time of 1-2 weeks.