Ayurvedic massage, also known as Abhyanga, is an ancient Indian healing practice involving the use of warmed oil and rhythmic long strokes to relax the body, improve circulation, and balance the doshas (energy types). This full-body rejuvenating treatment may be customized according to individual constitution and health concerns.
Ayurvedic massage, also known as Abhyanga, is an ancient Indian healing practice involving the use of warmed oil and rhythmic long strokes to relax the body, improve circulation, and balance the doshas (energy types). This full-body rejuvenating treatment may be customized according to individual constitution and health concerns.
Ayurvedic massage is an ancient Indian therapeutic practice using oil and herbal pastes to rejuvenate body and mind. In Portugal, it's offered in wellness centers and spas.
Portuguese Ayurveda also includes yoga and dietary advice. Popular locations are Algarve and Madeira.