Acupuncturist consultation is a holistic therapy involving the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body. This practice aims to stimulate healing and restore balance in the body's energy flow, improving overall wellbeing. During the session, the acupuncturist assesses the patient's condition through questioning and palpation before applying the needles. The treatment is often used for pain relief, stress reduction, and managing various health conditions.
Acupuncturist consultation is a holistic therapy involving the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body. This practice aims to stimulate healing and restore balance in the body's energy flow, improving overall wellbeing. During the session, the acupuncturist assesses the patient's condition through questioning and palpation before applying the needles. The treatment is often used for pain relief, stress reduction, and managing various health conditions.
Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice using thin needles to stimulate specific points on the body for pain relief, relaxation and improved health. Widely used in India, particularly for conditions like arthritis and stress.
Consultation with a qualified acupuncturist typically lasts 30-60 minutes. Treatment frequency varies, but weekly sessions are common.