The Brian Fricker Oncology Centre

Australia - Adelaide
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The Brian Fricker Oncology Centre Reviews

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Incredible service with a holistic approach to cancer care. Very lucky to be able to access something so special in Adelaide. Thank you!

Kate Henderson - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Provide outstanding support for cancer sufferers

Wayne Shore - 10 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: 120 Kensington Road, Toorak Gardens, SA, 5065Australia
Leaflet QanoMed
Prof Dusan Kotasek
Prof Dusan Kotasek

Special Interests: Treatment of solid tumours, in particular breast cancer, lung cancer, soft tissue sarcomas, GIST and renal cell carcinoma and the conduct of clinical trials, particularly new drug therapies. Appointed as Honorary Director of the Brian Fricker Oncology Centre in February 2004, A/Prof Kotasek has 25 years experience in medicine, having graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1980. A/Prof Kotasek commenced training in Haematology and Oncology at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and then spent three years as a Fellow at the University of Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. Following his return from the US in 1988 he was appointed as Consultant Medical Oncologist at TQEH. In 1995 he was one of the co-Founders of Adelaide Cancer Centre. Since 1998 he has worked full time at The Centre. A/Prof Kotasek has published over 60 articles in Journals, serves on a number of Oncology Advisory Boards and has served on the Executive Committee of the Medical Oncology Group of Australian between 1999 and 2002. He is involved in the clinical teaching of undergraduate medical students who rotate through the Centre during their clinical attachments in Years 4 and 5. In February 2004 A/Prof Kotasek was appointed as Honorary Directory of the Oncology Centre at Burnside Hospital where he consults on one day per week.

Dr Brian Stein
Dr Brian Stein

Special Interests: Treatment of lymphoma and solid tumours, in particular malignancies of lung, head and neck, oesophagus and upper gastrointestinal tract, breast and bowel tumours. Dr Stein trained at the University of Adelaide and graduated in 1986. He began his specialist training at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and then completed training at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York. On returning to Australia, he spent a year as a consultant in the Adelaide University Department of Medicine at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, before undertaking post-graduate research at The Hanson Centre for Cancer Research.Dr Stein joined Adelaide Cancer Centre in 1998 and works here full-time; he is still actively involved in undergraduate medical education at The University of Adelaide. Dr Stein is principally located at ACC at Kurralta Park but also consults at the Brian Fricker Oncology Centre (Burnside Hospital) one day per week.

Dr Kerry Cheong
Dr Kerry Cheong

Special Interests: Treatment of solid tumours especially lung, ovarian, genitourinary, breast and GIT. Dr Cheong trained at Flinders University and graduated in 1996. She completed her specialist training at Guys Hospital, London where she was employed as a clinical research Fellow. Whilst in London she was involved in phase II trials of new drugs and research in quality of life and geriatric oncology. Dr Cheong has worked full-time at the Adelaide Cancer Centre since joiing our team in March 2005. Dr Cheong consults at both ACC kurralta Park and the Brian Fricker Oncology Centre at the Burnside Hospital one day per week.