Tahmaseb - Tervuren

Belgium - Overijse

About Tahmaseb - Tervuren Schoten in Belgium is the location of the main practice of this expert dental implantologist. He practices in several places around Belgium and the Netherlands. He is highly skilled and has performed many implant procedures successfully for patients and improved their smile appearance and teeth function. He has surgically placed single and multiple implants and performed full mouth restorations for those who h... (Show more)

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Address: Leuvensesteenweg 7, Tervuren, 3080Belgium
Leaflet QanoMed
Dr Ali Tahmaseb
Dr Ali Tahmaseb

Dr. Ali Tahmaseb graduated in dentistry at the University of Ghent in 1993. He attended training in implant dentistry at the UCLA (University of Southern California, Los Angeles), at the NYU (New York University) and the Clinic Für Zahn, Mund Kiefer-und Heil Studies, Medizinische Universität Vienna. He is a fellow at ITI (International Team of Oral Implantology) and NVOI (Dutch Society of Oral Implantology) implants registered since 2000. He is one of the training managers and principal investigator for implants in advanced surgical techniques at the University of Amsterdam (ACTA / VU) where he met his doctorate (PhD) in medical science achieved in 2011. He also worked in private referral practice for implantology in Antwerp, Tilburg, Turnhout and Brussels. And speaker at various national and international meetings and conferences.