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Dr Andrew Smith
MBBS (Hons), FRACS Upper GI Surgery Mr Andrew Smith Mr Andrew Smith Andrew is an experienced Upper GI surgeon and has practiced at Cabrini and The Alfred hospital since 1997. His particular areas of interest include laparoscopic surgery, bariatric and anti-reflux surgery, gallstones and hernia surgery. After graduating first in his medical school class Andrew undertook surgical training in Melbourne, followed by two further years of sub-specialist training in the United Kingdom. Andrew is appointed as a senior lecturer in the Monash University Department of Surgery at The Alfred hospital. He has also led the Cabrini Upper GI audit for several years. He is currently involved in research evaluating the effects on type 2 diabetes of weight loss induced by gastric banding in an indigenous community. As well as being a part of the surgical team at the Centre for Bariatric Surgery, Mr Smith also works at The Alfred Hospital, Glen Iris Private and Cabrini Hospital and is a senior lecturer in the Department of Surgery, Monash Medical School. Mr Smith is married with school aged children, and enjoys interacting with patients, operating, and catching barramundi.

Dr Wendy Brown
MBBS (Hons), PhD, FRACS Upper GI Surgery, Associate Professor Wendy Brown Wendy Brown Wendy is senior Upper GI surgeon and an Associate Professor of Surgery at Monash University. A/Prof Brown's interests are in upper gastrointestinal and bariatric surgery as well as surgical oncology. Wendy is the director of the Monash University Centre for Obesity Research and Education (CORE), a leading international research institute dedicated to improving the health of obese patients. Wendy is the president elect of the Obesity Surgeons Society of Australia and New Zeland (OSSANZ), a board member of Australian and New Zealand Gastro-oesophageal Surgeons Association (ANZGOSA) and an examiner for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. After graduating first in her medical school class, Wendy completed her surgical training in Melbourne. During this time she was awarded a PhD for research evaluating molecular biological evolution of cancer, particularly interactions with Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Further training was undertaken in Brisbane, particularly in minimally invasive surgery for oesophageal and gastric cancer and surgery for reflux. Wendy has performed over 800 LAP-BAND procedures and also has significant expertise in complex Upper Gastro-intestinal procedures.Other interests include women’s health and adolescent obesity. Wendy is currently undertaking research into the effects of weight loss on infertility. She is a chief investigator on an NHMRC grant evaluating the effects of weight loss on knee pain. Wendy also operates at The Alfred hospital, where she has worked in the Upper GI Surgical Unit for the past eight years.

Dr Roger Wale
MBBS, FRACS Colo-rectal Surgery Mr Roger Wale Mr Roger Wale Roger Wale is a specialist colorectal surgeon who has practiced at Cabrini and The Alfred hospital since 1983. Roger confines his practice to colo-rectal surgery and colonoscopy. His particular areas of expertise include surgery for colo-rectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and trans-anal endoscopic microsurgery. Other appointments presently held by Roger include: Unit director of the colo-rectal surgical Unit at The Alfred hospital and he has been newly appointed to the leadership position of convenor of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons annual scientific conference. Roger also has an active practice at Kyneton, where he visits on a regular basis. Roger operates and consults at Cabrini Malvern and consults at Cabrini Brighton.
Dr Paul Burton
MBBS (Hons), FRACS, PhD Upper GI Surgery Mr Paul Burton Mr Paul Burton Paul is an Upper GI surgeon who specialises in surgery of the stomach and oesophagus, laparoscopic surgery and weight loss surgery. Paul was trained in Melbourne and subsequently Cambridge, United Kingdom. In addition to his surgical training Paul has completed a PhD relating to upper GI surgical interventions. This research has led to major changes in the understanding of various Upper GI surgical operations, incorporated the development of several new diagnostic tests and has resulted in improved patient education. He received doctoral thesis excellence awards from Monash University for this work. Paul has concurrent appointments as a senior research fellow in the Monash University Centre for Obesity Research and Education (CORE). He has published extensively in the areas he practises and has been involved in conducting training courses throughout Australia particularly relating to LAP-BAND surgery. His ongoing research is funded by competitively awarded by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS). Paul is happy to see both private and public patients and also operates at The Alfred hospital and Sandringham hospital.

Dr Roger Berry
MBBS, FRACS Hepato-biliary Surgery Mr Roger Berry Mr Roger Berry Roger Berry is a specialist Upper GI surgeon who has practiced at Cabrini and Monash Medical Centre since 1998. He is a Senior Lecturer, Cabrini Monash University Department of Surgery. After graduating from Monash University in 1986, Roger gained his Fellowship in General Surgery in 1996 and attained further training in complex hepato-biliary surgery and liver transplantation. Roger specialises in hepato-biliary surgery which incorporates surgery of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder and bile ducts. Roger is happy to see or discuss urgent referrals of complex hepato-biliary surgery such as cancer at short notice (usually within one week or sooner if required). Other areas Roger practices in include hernia repair (both open and laparoscopic techniques) and the surgical treatment of obesity. Roger is a member of Australian and New Zealand Hepato-biliary Surgeons Association and was previously head of the Cabrini Upper GI surgical craft group. Roger was previously a liver transplant surgeon at The Austin hospital. Roger conducts weekly operating and consulting sessions at Cabrini Malvern and Cabrini Brighton.