Sokchea Dental Clinic - Sihanouk Ville

Cambodia - Koh Rong
4.0 2 reviews

About Sokchea Dental Clinic - Sihanouk Ville For more information about Sokchea Dental Clinic - Sihanouk Ville in Koh Rong please contact the clinic.

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Service - Visit Price
Dental Sealant $Free
Cosmetic Dentist Consultation $Free
Dental X Ray $Free
Extractions $Free
Teeth Cleaning $Free
Gingival Flap Surgery $Free
Root Canals $Free

Sokchea Dental Clinic - Sihanouk Ville Reviews

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Love the care and love But also need phone number to call for more customer

Pou Khlaing KHMER - 5 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Best dental clinic in Sihanoukville

Prum Seng - 7 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: St. 108, Village 1, Sangkat 2, Sihanoukville, Sihanouk Province, 18000Cambodia
Leaflet QanoMed
Dr Sok Chea
Dr Sok Chea

He was born and brought up in Kompong Thom province. He is the third generation of a Dental families. At the University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Odontostomatology, Dr. Sok Chea was graduated successfully and obtained his DDS degree. D.D.S, F.A.D.I, F.C.S.P, A. Pro., Uni. of Health Sciences Post Graduate Diploma in Periodontology, Gum Specialist, Cert. in Oral Implantology (H.K), Cert. Gingival Esthetic Recostruction (Korea), Cert. Periodontic (Japan). Just a few years after that he completed his post graduated course in Periodontic and was also trained in Tokyo, Japan . Not only that, Dr. Sok Chea had been trained in H.K and received a training certificate in oral Implantology. As Dr. Sok Chea was one of the 1st generation student completed post graduate course in Periodontic in Cambodia, he had striven to found the Cambodian Society of Periodontology (CSP). By the way, before he became the founder of CSP, he was the former president of Cambodian Dental Association and a representative of the Organization of International Support for Dental Education (OISDE). For the reason of passing his knowledge for the next generation, Dr. Sok Chea has spent his time to be the part time clinical demonstrator and lecturer at the University of Health Sciences and more frequently he was invited to be the speaker in various dental Conference locally and internationally. He has made many achievement as he often wrote many articles concerning periodontal disease published on the journal of CDA. Dr. Sok Chea is the director of Sok Chea dental clinic and a private practitioner who has ten years clinical experience in Oral Implantology.

Prof Takashi Miyata
Prof Takashi Miyata

Technical Advisor of Sok Chea Dental Clinic, Visiting Professor, University of Health Sciences,President of OISDE.

Dr Kong Kaing
Dr Kong Kaing

Third generation of dental family. -Cert. in dental cosmetic (Malaysia) -Cert. in dental implant(IU) -Joined us since his graduated, he is excellent in restorative dentistry and a member of CDA.