Sano Clinic

Japan - Fukuoka
4.0 11 reviews

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I went there around October. Receptionists, if you can't use honorific language, you won't be able to function in the world! And maybe I can't say it a little more kindly.

ペコリーノダン - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I visited an ophthalmologist. As others have written, the teacher's explanations are thorough and easy to understand. I was relieved that he listened to me so kindly. Unlike other ophthalmologists, he took the time to thoroughly examine me. The hospital was very clean and the humidity was well controlled.... (Show more)

秀次郎 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I feel like I have to tell the receptionist whether I want to go to internal medicine or ophthalmology. I went to an ophthalmologist and he is very good. I felt at ease in the sense that I was being examined by my mother, and she thoroughly explained the diagnosis and the reason. It may look old, but I think you can visit with peace of mind.... (Show more)

大槻義郎 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The clinic and the pharmacy next door accept cash only. The waiting rooms for internal medicine and ophthalmology are the same, but the examination rooms are separated, with internal medicine on the left and ophthalmology on the right. I work at an ophthalmology clinic, and the doctor looks at the patient's face, listens to the patient's story, and answers any questions carefully. Please explain the eye drops in an easy-to-understand manner. I think you can go there with peace of mind.... (Show more)

乃木坂癒やし - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The examination is thorough and the explanations are easy to understand. Do you have any questions? Please consult with me.

minoru GT - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I went to see an internal medicine doctor a long time ago, and the doctor was kind and made me feel at ease. He was a conscientious person.

suki aimyon - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The doctor can speak and communicate in English well. I could really say that he’s full of wisdom base on my encounter with him. No need for an appointment to go. Not so busy in my personal experience. I usually go there past 5PM. Spacious waiting area with jolly staffs. The con: They don’t accept credit cards for payment. It’d have been better because I prefer paying using a credit card than cash.... (Show more)

Napoleon Polinar - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I received a prescription for bifocal (presbyopic (lol)) contacts.I called and asked before the consultation. From that phone call to the end of the consultation, I was treated with kindness and thoroughness. First of all, I think it's a great deal because it includes a 2-week trial with your first prescription and doctor's appointment before you buy it. It seems like you should try them out before making a purchase, but the price is cheaper than commercially available ones, and above all, you can feel very safe because you can try them out before you decide on the right contact lenses before you buy them.... (Show more)

くぅにゃん - 5 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The receptionist was kind and polite. I once made a mistake when making a reservation, but they were kind even then. The nurses were also smiling and caring, and the elderly patients were treated with a smile. There was a person who was very good at administering injections, and I was surprised that it didn't hurt at all when the blood was drawn. The doctor also examined me very carefully.... (Show more)

solaris334 - 5 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The reception is just the worst. A blond, hairy, former-Yang woman with bad eyes (with a big pink flower hair ornament on her head) was glaring at me the entire time, and a woman with black bobbed hair wearing black glasses was also glaring at me from behind, and the receptionist was glaring at me from behind. It was just the worst. I think it would be better to have a more proper person at the reception desk. The nurses are very kind.... (Show more)

奥田嘉治 - 6 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: Tenjin 27 Building 6F Tenjin 2-7-9 Chuo-ku, Tenjin Southern Street, Fukuoka, 8100001Japan
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