Roger Friedenthal, M.D. - San Francisco

United States - California
5.0 5 reviews

About Roger Friedenthal, M.D. - San Francisco Transforming the appearance of patients through high quality surgical and non surgical procedures is the expertise of this highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who consults with patients at his clinic located at San Francisco in California. A detailed initial consultation is scheduled and the requirements of patients assessed before procedures are performed. Services provided in... (Show more)

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Roger Friedenthal, M.D. - San Francisco Reviews

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Dr. Fridenthal is one of the finest plastic surgeons. His technical expertise has held up over the years and whenever I get my annual mammograms the technicians ALWAYS comment on how lucky I was to have such a great surgeon! I worked with him roughly 16 years ago and his work was and still is EXEMPLARY. His manner was always so comforting and his knowledge and technical expertise were top notch. I found myself in need of expertise in this area again and I didn't hesitate to reach out to him. He is the best!... (Show more)

Devon Kessler - 5 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

No word can express my deep appreciation for the attention that my mom received from him when we called for emergency help! A doctor really cares about his patient is worth of the respect! We love him!

gee wen - 6 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I have been a patient of Dr. Friedenthal's for years and have recommended him to family and friends as a physician of the highest integrity and scholarship, exceptional esthetic sense and surgical skill -- one who possesses great respect from other surgeons and professionals within the medical community, and who has compassion and advocacy for the patient. Although Dr. Friedenthal is a leader in liposuction and cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is learned and accomplished in the newly-developed, non-invasive techniques and procedures (that can be performed in the office) to effectively treat the aging face and body. Of course there are other highly esthetic and technically skilled plastic surgeons in San Francisco, but in my experience, some of these premiere plastic surgeons seem to push or sell a surgical treatment plan -- something Dr. Friedenthal never does, the result of which produces an open and trusting relationship for the patient with Dr. Friedenthal. Should you make an appointment with Dr. Friedenthal, be prepared -- after he respectfully and carefully listens to you and examines the area you want treated -- to be told that, in his opinion, you don't yet need surgery (but might be addressed by a non-invasive procedure), or what you think you want might be overdone or unnatural. You can trust Dr. Friedenthal -- as his ethos is to retain or restore a patient's youthful natural beauty -- never to overreach or severely alter one's appearance.... (Show more)

Patricia Dee - 8 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr. Roger Friedenthal is a very talented and experienced surgeon in every sense of the word: highly skilled, an unusually good listener, exquisite attention to detail, and caring & compassionate before, during, and after surgery. Often, one thinks these qualities are only possible in a woman surgeon. There are many plastic surgeons out there with less experience and who lack personality and warmth. There is no substitute for a surgeon with good communication skills. I highly recommend Dr. Roger Friedenthal for all the reasons above.... (Show more)

Linda Centore - 9 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I suffered a traumatic injury to my leg in a fall that left my right calf with a painful grapefruit sized hematoma. I was instructed by my primary care physician to have it treated by a surgeon. In that I had been in preliminary talks with Dr. Friedenthal for a future procedure, I called his office and was given an immediate appointment. Dr. Friedenthal couldn't have been more accommodating and concerned over the severity of the injury. Treatment consisted of opening the hematoma, expressing the blood and cleaning the cavity, a procedure that was accomplished with minimal pain and discomfort. Recovery has been without incident or pain. Dr. Friedenthal projects strong sense of confidence, born of experience, empathy with the patient, and genuine concern. He definitely goes the "extra mile" to ensure that his patient's recovery is on track, and that the patient experiences little discomfort Dr.Friedenthal has earned my full and sincere endorsement.... (Show more)

Dan Kaljian - 9 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: 2100 Webster Street, Suite 318, San Francisco, CA, 94109US
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Dr Roger Friedenthal
Dr Roger Friedenthal

Academic Appointments, Honors, and Offices: Clinical Professor, University of California Medical Center Chair Department of Plastic Surgery, California Pacific Medical Center Listed, "Best Doctors in America" Listed, ‘”Best Doctors” by U.S. News & World Report Plastic Surgery Clinical Faculty Association Representative, UCSF Education: Stanford University - B.S. "With Great Distinction" Yale University School of Medicine - M.D. Yale Medical Center - Internship Stanford University Medical Center - General Surgery University of California Medical Center San Francisco - Plastic Surgery Board Certification: American Board of Plastic Surgery Fellow of the American College of Surgeons