Marbellia Clinic

Spain - Marbella

About Marbellia Clinic REASONS TO CHOOSE MARBELLIA CLINIC (See our sister clinic LowCostmetic Clinic in Madrid ) SAFETY Our operations are performed only in first class large private hospitals, fully equipped with modern operating rooms, intensive care unit (ICU), diagnostics laboratory and radiology, multidisciplinary medical teams (all medical specialities), 24 hours diagnostic, medical and surgical emergency services and any re... (Show more)

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Service - Visit Price
Post Bariatric Plastic Surgery $6554
Mommy Makeover $6554
Sliding Genioplasty $4071
Areola Reduction Surgery $942
Full Abdominoplasty $4929
Mini Abdominoplasty $4025
Brow Lift $4,466
Endoscopic Facelift $4,466
Neck Lift $8,984
Arm Lift $3470
Breast Reconstruction $3622
Breast Implants $3302
Cheek Implants $3,201
Facelift Surgery $4466
Lip Reduction $2,239
Plastic Surgery Consultation $Free
Asian Blepharoplasty $3,531
Rhinoplasty Surgery $3109
Alarplasty $1,140
Thigh Lift $3470
Mini Facelift $4,466
Nasal Tip Surgery $3109
Breast Implants Revision $3132
Breast Lift $3777
blepharoplasty $1140
Eye Lift $1140
Lipoabdominoplasty $6931
Calf Implants $4964
Otoplasty $3,109
Breast Reduction Surgery $4025
Chin Implant $4071
Tummy Tuck $3600
Septoplasty $3,125
Nipple Reduction $942

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Address: Maestra Doña Carola 8, Marbella, Málaga, 29602Spain
Leaflet QanoMed
Dr Alejandro Nogueira
Principal Surgeon
Dr Alejandro Nogueira

Dr. Alejandro Nogueira accumulates 20 years experience in the field of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery with more than 4.000 procedures performed by himself as leading and executing surgeon in his post-graduation practice as senior plastic surgeon. Dr. Alejandro Nogueira is fluent in high level English and will communicate with you without language barriers; needless to say he is Spanish native speaker. Dr. Alejandro Nogueira's skills and areas of expertise do cover all fields in Cosmetic and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, with special devotion and outstanding results in facial plastic surgery techniques of rhinoplasty (primary, revision, reductive, structural, ethnic, afroamerican, asian, latin, hispanic, andine, jewish, arabic, nordic, slavic, feminization, masculinisation, transgender, custom, reconstructive, grafting, complex and multioperated cases, etc.), multidimensional chin genioplasty (reduction, augmentation, sliding, grafting, advancement, backwards, vertical lengthening or shortening, horizontal narrowing or widening, feminization, masculinisation, transgender, custom, etc.), rejuvenation (forehead, eyebrows, face and neck liftings, transconjunctival blepharoplasty, functional senile blepharoplasty, lip lift, etc.), asian blepharoplasty (double eyelid, epicanthal fold, etc.), otoplasty (pinning, reduction, earlobe, etc.), transgender facial feminization or masculinisation, etc. Dr. Alejandro Nogueira has remarkable reputation in the field of revision surgery to repair poor or suboptimal results, complications, sequels or perfecting secondary cases in Cosmetic and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery like revision rhinoplasty (saddle nose, polly beak, inverted V, open roof, pinched nasal valve, alar rim retraction, poorly defined tip, hanging or exposed columella, dorsal irregularities, breathing issues, etc.), breast implants revision (size dissatisfaction, capsulorrhaphy, symmastia, bottoming out, eccentric, wide cleavage, animation or flex deformity, capsular contracture, ruptured or leaking breast implants renewal, explantation, etc), breast lift revision, breast reduction revision, revision facelift, etc. His competence and wide experience in the field of breast surgery allows him a versatile use of all kind of breast implants (round, anatomical, textured, cohesive and ultracohesive silicone gel, polyurethane coated, extra large, custom designed and made, etc.), safe performance of most challenging and droopiest breast lifts or the most hypertrophic and droopiest reduction mammaplasties (severe ptosis, gigantomastia, nipple function sparing, nipple sensation sparing, short vertical scar Lejour, etc.). Body contouring surgeries (tummy tuck, abdominoplasty, panniculectomy, fleur-de-lis, arm lift, thigh lift, liposuction, etc.) and many other procedures are also part of his regular practice, including reconstructive cases.

Mar Salmones
Mar Salmones

Dr. Mar Salmones acts as Dr. Alejandro Nogueira's anesthetist with exclusive dedication and full responsibilities on every and each of his patients. Dr. Mar Salmones has been working as Dr. Alejandro Nogueira's sole anesthetist for the last 14 years, holding pre and postoperative safety assessment, surgery control and anesthesia practice roles. Prior to working with Dr. Alejandro Nogueira, Dr. Mar Salmones gathers a vast experience as senior anesthetist in major public hospitals dealing with surgeries from every and each speciality (adults, children, gynecology, obstetrics, digestive, neurosurgery, thoracic, heart, orthopedic, urology, ophtalmology, ENT, maxillofacial, oncology, breast, reconstructive, reanimation aftercare, politraumatism care, etc.). Dr. Mar Salmones's 20 years long comprehensive expertise, 14 years long tested reliability in Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery and her optimal coordination with Dr. Alejandro Nogueira's treatments, techniques and procedures make her contribution an essential pillar of medical guarantee for the patients, as well as provides unique advantages in terms of safety, quality, comfort, recovery and costs of the surgical procedures, optimizing patients' satisfaction regarding their therapeutic experience. Dr. Mar Salmones is available 27/7/365 for Dr. Alejandro Nogueira's patients working exclusively for them, no other professional commitment can interfere between her services and you; you will never miss her assistance, services and sympathy; both her professional and human aspects will be near you and at your disposal before, during and after your operation. Dr. Mar Salmones will never leave your surgical theatre to attend other patients, she never will perform simultaneous anesthesias and she will never leave a patient unattended in the delicate postoperative period. PROFESSIONAL Dr. Mar Salmones complies with the mandatory registrations to practice Anesthesiology in Spain. Dr. Mar Salmones is registered at the official Spanish Medical Association (OMC) as Specialist in Anesthesiology and Reanimation, which is a guarantee of her accreditation trustworthiness as board certified anesthetist and her fitness to practice. You can check his registration by searching his physician's number ("Número colegiado") 293904729. Dr. Mar Salmones has granted practice privileges at Hospital CERAM, which is one of the most prestigious and elitist health centres in Spain. ACADEMIC Dr. Mar Salmones holds official credentials which entitle her to practice both General Medicine as well as Anesthesiology in Spain and the whole European Union. Official degree certificate as Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery (general practitioner), demonstrating her 6 years University Medical School education programme prior to the specialization as anesthetist. Official degree certificate as Specialist in Anesthesiology and Reanimation (anesthetist), demonstrating her 4 years official residency training programme as designed by the Spanish Health Ministry and later additional 20 years experience as senior anesthetist in Anesthesiology and Reanimation.

Ms Yolanda Muñoz
International Patient Coordinator
Ms Yolanda Muñoz