Facelift Surgery
Package Name |
Facelift |
Facelift - Temple lift |
Breast Reduction Surgery
Package Name |
Breast Reduction - Artificial mammary gland removal (aside) |
Breast Reduction - Artificial breast replacement |
Breast Implants
Package Name |
Breast Implants - breast enhancement |
Package Name |
Perineum formation (including vaginal reduction) |
Vaginoplasty - Vaginal wall formation |
Rhinoplasty Surgery
Package Name |
Rhinoplasty - Shrinking the nose |
Rhinoplasty - Nasal scraping treatment |
Rhinoplasty - Nose rise up |
Rhinoplasty - Buried (when used in combination with Ryusun) |
Rhinoplasty - Cartilage resection method |
Rhinoplasty - Oblique nose |
Rhinoplasty - Slim the width of the nose ridge |
Rhinoplasty - Prosthesis ridge nosechnology |
Rhinoplasty - Prosthesis removal |
Rhinoplasty - Prosthesis replacement |
Nipple Reduction
Package Name |
Nipple Reduction |
Nipple Reduction - Isola reduction |
Nipple Reduction - Depressed papilla |
Breast Augmentation
Package Name |
Breast Augmentation - Artificial breast augmentation |
Breast Augmentation - Aqua lift augmentation |
Breast Augmentation - Cinderella breast augmentation (1 cc) |
Dimple Creation
Package Name |
Dimple Creation - Dimple formation |
Package Name |
Eyelid surgery |
Package Name |
Liposuction - Pubic liposuction |