Kliniplast - Antwerp

Belgium - Antwerp

About Kliniplast - Antwerp High quality surgical and non surgical procedures are performed by this expert and experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon who consults with patients at clinics located at Brasschaat, Antwerp and Wilrijk in Belgium His aim is to enhance the appearance of patients and increase their confidence by performing procedures of a high standard. A detailed initial consultation is scheduled and the requirements ... (Show more)

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Address: Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 98, Antwerp, 2018Belgium
Leaflet QanoMed
Dr Jo Vanoorbeek
Dr Jo Vanoorbeek

Dr. Jo Vanoorbeek began his studies at St. John Bergman College Mol General Medicine and graduated in 1996 from the Catholic University of Leuven. He further specialized in General Surgery and was recognized by the NIHDI as Surgeon in General Surgery in 2003.Ondertussen he achieved the certification of Acute Medicine. For 8 years he was attached to the service of the MUG Maria Mediatrix Hospital in Sint Niklaas. He further specialized in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery: two years at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sart Tilman Liège, Liège, by Prof. Fisette and two years at the University Hospital of Ghent with Monstrey Professor and Professor Blondeel.Hij was recognized by the Inami as Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeon in 2006 and has since worked in the St. Augustinus Hospital in Wilrijk, where his appointed consultant breast clinic for the borstreconstructies.Daarnaast he also performs the full range of aesthetic procedures from such : liposuction, tummy tucks, facial surgery (eyelids, facelift, rhinoplasty, lip augmentation) and aesthetic breast correction. Since November 2008, he joined Da Vinci Clinic as Plastic Chirurg.Hij has extensive experience in plastic and cosmetic surgery. He is a member of the BSPRAS (Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery), FCCP (fellow of the Collegium Chirurgicum Plasticum) and ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery). He is also a member of EUSOMA (The American Society of Breast Cancer Specialists) Due to school regularly, he has the title of "accredited physician" so you withdraw more from the health insurance fund.