Inje University Pusan Paik Hospital

South Korea - Pusan
3.3 130 reviews

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Inje University Pusan Paik Hospital Reviews

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Never do a comprehensive checkup at Gaegeumbaek Hospital!! I get irritated without proper guidance before the test. Especially the hearing test!! I feel bad after paying!! How are they training their employees? Are they complacent about the name Baek Hospital?

네티즌 - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

It is one of six general hospitals in the eastern Gyeongnam region.

Albert Ardlay - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

After all, it is Baek Hospital.

Eric Park - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

If you are a foreigner, do not and dont even atten to this hospital. The main nterest is running tests and making money. They have no experience in treatng the serious sick's patient. Patient admitted still can walk, 3rd days became walkless. HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE¡

Nancy Lee - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Satisfied with services such as parking and reception information

강신환 - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Here, if you make 100 requests, you will be blocked at the emergency room 100 times. I guess Dunt really hates work. If I were the chairman, I would completely destroy EM.

정사필귀 - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The parking line is long

제연주 - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I underwent a general health checkup.

금정알프스(늘봄새봄) - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The parking lot waiting line is too long After passing the main gate of the hospital, use the external parking lot at the top of the mountain. It is recommended to travel by shuttle bus.

문기덕 - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Plastic surgeon is unfriendly He was diagnosed as having difficulty in hemostasis, so he had to be careful about bleeding. Even though the patient's gauze and cotton were removed with force and a lot of bleeding occurred, there was no comment. They pulled it out with too much force and pulled it out mercilessly even though the patient said it hurt several times. Is this what a doctor would do? I wonder if my own parents would have acted like that. If you want to come to a hospital that treats patients as if they were produced in a factory, I recommend this hospital. And the doctor may read this review, but it would be better to practice medicine after learning that although he may be one of many patients to doctors, he is the only precious person to the patient's family.... (Show more)

돌이 - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

It's too complicated.

퐝동인 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

This bar operates on a reservation system. 2 hour wait, very poor system The medical staff aren't very good either. A hospital that benefits from every repeat test Not recommended.

제임스 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I went to the orthopedic surgeon because my arms were numb and my hands were weak, but the doctor said it wasn't that I couldn't move my arms, so why did I come? I don't want to go there again.

이정재 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

There are too many patients. There seems to be a shortage of medical staff.

김성현 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Friendly and clean

김영기 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Painless wisdom tooth extraction dental clinic

임지성 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

If you are a foreigner, do not go to busan paik hospital. They are only interested in running tests and making money. They wouldn’t release the death certificate of my mother until the bill was paid. I don’t think they would have released the body until they got their money.

shioh chung - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

There are too many arrogant doctors who mistakenly believe that Paik Hospital's reputation is their own reputation. Patients are unable to protest because they feel sorry for them. Don't mistake yourself for thinking you are great.

Joy - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

It has been 20 years since I attended Paik Hospital. Hospital doctors and nurses are classified as friendly or unfriendly. The kindness scores of doctors and nurses are divided depending on how the hospital treats doctors and nurses. Even good medical staff can easily become unfriendly in situations where they are overworked by hospital policy. Based on past experience, it seems that Paik Hospital overworks its medical staff and pays them unsatisfactorily. Especially for nurses. Still, the reason patients flock to Baek Hospital is because of their skills. Also, please stop using the elderly people who manage parking on the street. Their judgment and agility are poor, so parking cars are chaotic on the road and the quality of the hospital is poor.... (Show more)

그레이색이야 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I like customized services tailored to the patient.

정애정 - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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