Sinus Treatment
Package Name |
Sinus Lift (without the price of material) |
Bone Graft
Package Name |
Bone Augmentation at the time of surgery (without the price of material) |
Bone Augmentationi (without the material) |
Package Name |
Composite onlay or inlay |
Filling - one surface |
Filling - three surfa ces |
Filling - two surfaces |
Porcelain Inlay or Onlay |
Temporary Filling (glassionomer) |
Teeth Cleaning
Package Name |
Stain removal (1 jaw) |
Package Name |
Dentures Repair |
Overdentures |
Skeletal Denture |
Snap in overdenture |
Snap in Skeletal denture |
Implant Dentist Consultation
Package Name |
Implant Dentist Consultation |
Dental Implants
Package Name |
Implantation of one implant |
One Crown on implant |
Dental Braces
Package Name |
Control visit - Damon Brades |
Control visit - esthetic Brades |
Control visit - metal Brades |
Control visit - Removable Brades |
Damon braces - one arc |
Esthetic Braces |
Metal Braces - one arc |
Removable Brades |
Removable Retainer |
Orthodontic Consultation
Package Name |
Orthodontist Consultation |
Package Name |
Extraction of milk tooth |
Extraction of permanent tooth |
Dentist Consultation
Package Name |
Dentist Consultation |
Denturist Consultation |
Periodontist Consultation |
Dental Crowns
Package Name |
Metal-porcelain crown |
Temporary Crown |
Dental X Ray
Package Name |
Cephalometrc |
Pantomogram |
Photodynamic therapy PACT |
Tooth Photo |
Package Name |
Occlusal Splints |
Ceramic Crown
Package Name |
All ceramic crown |
Package Name |
Composite Veneers |
Porcelain Veneers |
Root Canals
Package Name |
Devitalisation of milk tooth |
Extirpation under anesthesia |
Final filling of one tooth canal |
Placement of medicine into the tooth canal |
Preaparation of one tooth canal |
Secondary development of tooth canal |
Tooth devitalisation |