Porcelain Crown
Package Name |
Composturas porcelain (per piece) |
Metal porcelain fixed bridge (per piece) |
Dental X Ray
Package Name |
Full Series periapical periodontal |
Lateral and frontal cephalometric skull |
Periapical, occlusal dental radiographs |
Package Name |
Composite Veneers |
Porcelain Veneers |
Ceramic Crown
Package Name |
Ceramic crown, type in Ceram, Procera, Empress (per unit) |
Root Canals
Package Name |
Endodoncias Birradiculares |
Endodoncias multirooted |
Endodoncias uniradicular |
Open (No shutter) |
Reendodoncias |
Root amputation Therapeutics (Hemisection) |
Root canals of deciduous teeth |
Scaling and Root Planing |
Gingival Flap Surgery
Package Name |
Apical reposition flap |
Flap surgery (per tooth) |
Modified Widman |
Dental Braces
Package Name |
Composure in mobile or fixed appliances |
Renovation mobile appliances for loss or breakage |
Replacement of aesthetic brackets (unit) |
Replacement of metal brackets (unit) |
Replacement of self-ligating brackets and metal Tip-Edge (unit) |
Sapphire replacement brackets |
Package Name |
Home tooth whitening (includes kit, splints and reviews) |
Mandibular advancement splint |
Retaining plates, or splint hawley |
Soft splint |
Splint therapy discharge rate Michigan |
Splinting of teeth (per tooth) |
Splinting of teeth (sextant) |
Package Name |
Extractions |
Removing tailpiece not included |
Surgical removal (tailpiece, including any part, root fragments) per piece |
Package Name |
Pulpotomy |
Sinus Treatment
Package Name |
Sinus Lift |
Package Name |
Endodontics in primary teeth |
Endodontics in primary teeth (pulpectomy) |
Dental Crowns
Package Name |
Acrylic Temporary crown |
Cast core (corona separately) |
Crown Lengthening |
Fixed space maintainer |
Metal casting crown |
Paste crowns or bridges |
Porcelain crowns metal |
Dental Bridges
Package Name |
Maryland Bridge |
Metal porcelain fixed bridge |
Metal-ceramic bridge, type in ceram, procera, empress |
Zirconium fixed bridge |
Zirconium fixed bridge (per piece) |
Dental Implants
Package Name |
Implant study |
Metal Implants |
Microimplants |
Reimplantation pieces |
Treatment Periimplantitis |
Dental Sealant
Package Name |
Occlusal Sealants |
Periodontitis Treatment
Package Name |
Periodontal |
Periodontal maintenance (Arcade) |
Gingivitis Treatment
Package Name |
Free gingival graft |
Zirconia Crown
Package Name |
Zirconium crown (per piece) |
Gum Surgery
Package Name |
Partial gingivectomy |
Package Name |
Amalgam Filling |
Composite seals |
Coronary Reconstruction |
Direct or indirect pulp capping |
Direct or indirect pulp capping |
Pins coronary reconstruction, Poles, Bolts |
Porcelain Inlay |
Restoration of Angles |
Package Name |
Fixed Orthodontic Treatment with low friction aesthetic brackets (Self-ligating and Tip-Edge per arch) |
Fixed orthodontic treatment with metal brackets low friction (Self-ligating and Tip-Edge per arch) |
Fixed orthodontic treatment with metal brackets Minis (per arch) |
Fixed retention tongue (sextant) |
Fixed space maintainer |
Fixed space maintainer (Unilateral) |
Invisible Orthodontics Treatment |
Orthodontic treatment Fixed Brackets aesthetic ceramics (arcade) |
Orthodontic treatment Fixed Sapphire Brackets (per arch) |
Orthodontic treatment with mobile appliances (by arch) |
Periodic visits Invisible Orthodontics Review |
Studio Invisible Orthodontics |
Teeth Bleaching
Package Name |
Office tooth bleaching (laser, plasma lamp ...) |
Package Name |
Complete removable prosthesis (lower top) |
Full removable prosthesis (upper or lower) |
Removable partial denture acrylic, 11 pieces in future Total (including hooks or retainers) |
Removable partial denture acrylic, 7-10 parts Total (including hooks or retainers) |
Removable partial denture acrylic, up to 6 pieces Total (including hooks or retainers) |