Dr Phanette Gir

France - Lyon
4.7 15 reviews

About Dr Phanette Gir For more information about Dr Phanette Gir in Lyon please contact the clinic.

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Service - Visit Price
Otoplasty $1,082
Facelift Surgery $4,868
Full Abdominoplasty $3,245
Arm Lift $3,245
blepharoplasty $1,623
Breast Augmentation $1,623
Body Lift $4,327
Rhinoplasty Surgery $3,786
Breast Reduction Surgery $2,164

Dr Phanette Gir Reviews

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I recommend Madame Gir both for her professional actions and her human quality. Very beautiful place in its image. Very satisfied with my two procedures: removal of my breast prostheses and upper eyelid surgery. Thank you so much for everything.. Operated in January 2024.

POUECH FLORENCE - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I can only advise Ms. Gir to listen more. Very expeditious appointment, goes through the questions on the form without asking you anything. I was never able to talk about my case, because I was cut off to continue the appointment as quickly as possible. I was very uncomfortable. I can only advise you to avoid telling your clients who cannot handle the lack of support that “it can quickly be paid for with money given for a birthday or next Christmas”. Shipped in 10 minutes for such a high-priced appointment? Staggering.... (Show more)

Morgane Melo - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr Gir was recommended to me by my GP for reconstructive surgery following a twin pregnancy. Dr. Gir is a very competent person, attentive to his patients, educational and organized. She clearly explains the surgical procedure and administrative aspects. She knows how to reassure when doubts or fears arise. The operation went well and Dr Gir provided very good post-operation follow-up. I went with complete confidence to have the operation and I am very happy with the result.... (Show more)

Cécile Mantoux Loyant - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr. Gir literally changed my life with this operation. I am ABSOLUTELY satisfied with his work on me. She is a great professional, coupled with a person with remarkable humanity. She is a true artist! Available, reassuring, respectful, warm, full of humor, she puts you at ease and in total confidence (because it's not that easy to take the step of changing your body image) I recommend it with my eyes closed!!! Thank you also to all his block collaborators, and his secretary for their kindness and availability, at all stages of my project. A pearl on the Place de Lyon!... (Show more)

isabelle vivien - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

A big thank you to you for the excellence of my care. Beyond the result which fully corresponds to my expectations, your support, your humanity, your care and your kindness have really contributed to the success of this project which changed my life. Thank you to the entire Mermoz bouldering team whose path I crossed paths with for their understanding and professionalism. Thank you to your secretarial colleague who paid special attention to me at each meeting. In short, a top team!... (Show more)

Sandrine - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

So what can I say, it's the fairy of my body following a by-pass Mrs. Gir gave me an abdominal plasty with diastasis 7 years ago, I'm a big cosset and I was really very scared given the horror that I I was able to see 😓and really a result still to this day truly more than magnificent she is very human unlike some surgeons who only think about the financial aspect she really isn't taken care of at all 100% I was anxious of a botched job but not at all then I without hesitation trusted Ms. Gir again 7 years later in October 2023 for a mastopexy and lipofelling reinjection of my own fat and as usual listening to our expectations this time no PEC I had to save a moment to give myself a breast worthy of the name but she was more than correct with me and always so human takes her time to respond to a concern by email even on weekends it's very rare to find such a caring doctor these days so yes I recommend 1000% she will listen to you and satisfy your desires with great professionalism.♥️🙏✅ Without forgetting a special mention for Charlène his secretary with whom we always chat 5 minutes before leaving who is super nice 😊... (Show more)

Jennifer Chahour - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr Gir performed a breast reduction on me in September 2022. The support, from the first appointment until healing, was very caring. She was available for any questions/doubts and listened to my needs.

Solene Perriet - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I highly recommend, attentive and very professional, very responsive. In the top.

Marie-Laure Besson - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I recommend Doctor Gir with my eyes closed. I am more than delighted with the result which is very natural. Doctor Gir is very professional, attentive and gives good advice. A climate of trust is established immediately from the first visit, which immediately puts you at ease and creates a particularly pleasant atmosphere. Go for it, you won't be disappointed!... (Show more)

Helena Bordat (Helena) - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I highly recommend Doctor GIR for his expertise, the high quality of his care and the perfect asepsis of his office. The results are natural and long-lasting (18 months for hyaluronic acid). The care is carried out with a smile and kindness. The plus: a suitable sample offered at the end of the consultation. Very reasonable fees.... (Show more)

Secrétariat du Docteur Aurélie BOURHIS - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

It is with great pleasure that I bring these 5 stars for doctor Phanette Gir who operated on me in October 2020, she is not only very professional but very human, very attentive to my desire, she immediately put me at ease, a doctor very kind, impeccable work in the OR I am really happy with the result she really manages everything before and after the operation for the price nothing to say very reasonable thank you Dr Phanette Gir... (Show more)

marienoelle metay - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Doctor Gir is very professional. His work is impeccable. I just had a +lupo abdominoplasty operation, my nurses and those around me were left speechless by his excellent work. She answered me clearly and precisely to all the questions I had before and after my operation, by email and even on weekends to reassure me. Very responsive! I recommend with your eyes closed.... (Show more)

Sibel Celik - 6 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: 55, Avenue Jean Mermoz, Lyon, 69008France
Leaflet QanoMed
Dr Phanette Gir
Dr Phanette Gir

An associate member of the French Society of Plastic Surgery, she carries out his activity at the Jean Mermoz Private Hospital. She completed 5 years of internship at the Hôpitaux de Lyon in the best specialized services in Plastic Surgery as well as training in one of the best Services of the Hôpitaux de Paris at the Hôpital Saint-Louis in the service of Professor Revol.