Dr hab. n. med Jerzy Jankau Swissmed

Poland - Gdansk
2.5 22 reviews

About Dr hab. n. med Jerzy Jankau Swissmed Patients from overseas are welcomed by this highly trained and experienced surgeon and his team at clinics located at Gdansk and Sopot in Poland. A full range of affordable surgical cosmetic procedures of a high standard are performed by the surgeon. The clinics are fitted with state of the art equipment and the latest techniques are used to transform the appearance of patients. Services provi... (Show more)

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Dr hab. n. med Jerzy Jankau Swissmed Reviews

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After two pregnancies, my body has changed a lot :( Thanks to abdominoplasty performed by Dr. Jerzy Jankau, I regained my former figure!! I am grateful for the professionalism and care I received :)

Katarzyna Nowicka - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

First visit - amazing. Substantive content, help in obtaining all information and, above all, nice. Each of us comes with different problems - in my case, suspected lymphoma. Fear, despair... But the doctor calmed me down, for which I am very grateful. See you :) You have to be positive.

Ewa Polański - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

it was agreed that the nose would be shorter and that the hump would disappear, the nose would be shorter, but the hump would not move, the doctor replied that he had made a hump... and the hump was there... before the surgery, the doctor noticed a pimple on the nose and said "not good..." and then he performed the operation, since then, and 7 years have passed, I have a more or less open wound where the pimple was, I do not recommend it, he is a businessman, not a doctor, I will add that the profile is still terrible, different, but terrible, a hump not removed, I think....... (Show more)

Hobbit Kaszubski - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Soon it will be 19 years since the breast implant surgery performed by Dr. Jankau. I was and will always be sincerely grateful for this. It was worth it, they still look very good. And apart from the fact that the doctor is a high-class professional, he is also a nice and warm person. Best wishes .

Aleks Dabr - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The doctor performed the gynecomastia surgery perfectly.

Marcin Getek - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I recommend Dr. Jankau! Everything is professional and nice. Breast enlargement 4 months ago. They are finally as they should be thanks to Mr. Doctor. They are beautiful! Girls, there is no need to think - just do and be happy ;)

M JK - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I do not recommend! A doctor without empathy, without basic communication skills. Failure

Magdalena K - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

A man without scruples, eats, Eli sees no financial benefits, he will not help, he is not prepared for criticism, he has lost his mind. I'm sorry because the man was treated like second class. I honestly don't recommend it, the smile is fake...

Miroslaw - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Avoid avoid avoid! Don't go to this doctor, my mother had her nose done by him 10 years ago and he hurt her. He offered the correction for free, but he admitted that he didn't know how to do noses, only breasts. One star is still too high an opinion, such a person should not practice this profession.... (Show more)

Kamila Sawicka - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I have had nose surgery by Dr. Jankau and I honestly do not recommend it, I paid a really large sum for rhinoplasty and septum surgery. Unfortunately, I still have problems with breathing, and the appearance is uneven, the holes are crooked... It just wasn't supposed to be like that. I had the surgery in 2020, so it's been long enough for me to be able to assess the final effect. Once again, I do not recommend!... (Show more)

Natalia Ch - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Give a wide berth.

Benek Benek - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I do not recommend. A simple thing like a neck lift ended with sagging, wrinkled skin on one side of the neck, while the other side was tightened properly. It looks worse than before the procedure.

D. Wystan - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I warn everyone against doing eye surgery on this person... maybe he can do other things, but he doesn't know anything about it... mine was a tragedy... crooked eyelids, eyebrow shift, a large visible scar after the incision... another surgeon they were surprised that such a long cut... I had to have everything corrected by other specialists... because this person didn't feel like he could correct what he botched.... (Show more)

KA Go - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Patients on the National Health Fund are treated in a very bad, unprofessional manner Very unpleasant doctor, he won't even look at the treatment history and the examination lasts 30 seconds

Daria - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I recommend the doctor! :)

Sabina I - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Jerzy Jankau. He is a very wise and kind man who can work miracles. I recently underwent breast reduction surgery and I am very satisfied, although the recovery period is not over yet. I can say that he puts his whole heart into what he does. He is very nice and honest, and also funny, so the atmosphere during the consultation is always pleasant. I will definitely come back. Regards, Marta Garska 😉❤... (Show more)

Marta Garska - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I am asking all women from all over the world - do not go to this doctor!!! I do not understand how the law works in our country, how can such a doctor continue to practice his profession? How could someone who completed an internship in Canada and the USA (unless it's fake papers) ruin someone's life like that? How can a plastic surgeon performing breast reduction not examine the patient or do any blood tests before the surgery? My friend had a breast reduction performed by Mr. Jerzy Jankau. She was discharged from the clinic after 24 hours and went home with bubbles containing blood and pus. Then, the nipple in one breast was not attached and had to be removed. After removal, an antibiotic was prescribed - Dalacin!!, and after a few days, an infection not only of the nipple, but of the entire body occurred. Fortunately, the patient lives in Great Britain, and miraculously, after lying in hospital for two weeks, a team of 6 doctors saved her not only her life, but also her breast, which was intended to be removed after the first diagnosis!! The court case is still ongoing, and we are talking about an operation in August 2012! She found your doctor on the Internet and he had the most wonderful opinions, so she was suggested by this, as well as the culture of manners and "verbal professionalism" with which the doctor charms during visits. It's unbelievable and scandalous that the doctor is still seeing patients!! For such a medical error in other European Union countries, his license to practice his profession would have been taken away a long time ago and he would probably end up in prison! Is this even legal? where are the courts, who rules our country and who will finally eliminate all mafias and when? starting with "professionals" such as doctors and ending with drug addicts? Do all cases have to end in the Strasbourg court? Where are the independent and independent courts?... (Show more)

Malgorzata Blazewicz - 7 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: ul. Jaśkowa Valley 132, Gdańsk, 80215Poland
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