Dr. Emilian Ghinelli Studio eye of Modena

Italy - Modena
3.6 8 reviews

About Dr. Emilian Ghinelli Studio eye of Modena For more information about Dr. Emilian Ghinelli Studio eye of Modena in Modena please contact the clinic.

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Dr. Emilian Ghinelli Studio eye of Modena Reviews

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J'ai été victime d'un accident de travail qui à causer un éclatement oculaire de l'oeil gauche . j'ai subi une série d'intervention chirurgicale en Tunisie (ablation de la membrane fibreux+ vitroctomie + retinoctomie + implant à fixation scleral )

Samir bendahmane - 10 months ago QanoMed User

Definitely negative opinion, Dr. Carlo Chiesi is not aware of what a retinoblastoma can be (Retinoblastoma is an ocular pathology, and represents the most widespread malignant tumor in pediatric age). He treated me for at least 25 years and never hypothesized such an illness which I was then diagnosed with after having diagnosed it with my 6 month old son at the Reggio Emilia Santa Maria Nuova hospital. Luckily he is now being treated at the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital in Rome. Parents, check your children and if you see a white reflection in your children's eyes, be alert and ask for a visit to Baby Jesus of Rome.... (Show more)

Tarun Memmolo - 7 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I was operated on for congenital biocular strabismus in 1998 by Prof. Carlo Chiesi and his team at the Modena Polyclinic. As far as I'm concerned, the Prof. performed a MIRACLE (I quote the term used by my current ophthalmologist who insisted on having me carry out an orthoptic examination) by carrying out the maximum recession of the small obliques with one of the many results that even currently I can see three-dimensional images without the use of special lenses. If I have to be honest, I see myself thanks to HIM and that's no small thing! THANK YOU Prof, from the bottom of my heart!... (Show more)

Piero Del Prete - 7 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Strabismus. Straightening operation. We have already had this type of operation in Milan at the San Raffaele in the past, without good results. Now, in Modena, with the Chiesi Doc, everything went to the top!!! Thank you Doctor Chiesi!!!!

Fabrizio Maruca - 7 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: Via Arquà, 5, Modena, 41125Italy
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Dr Emiliano Ghinelli
Dr Emiliano Ghinelli

Born in Rome (Italy) May 22, 1974 Italian citizen, married with 4 children