Dr. Christina Christoforidou

Greece - Thessaloniki
4.2 188 reviews

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Dr. Christina Christoforidou Reviews

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Although I am late to share my own experience with Mrs. Christoforidou, but it is never too late, I wanted to thank the doctor for the operation she performed on my daughter years ago, she is very pleased and after all these years how good and successful she was surgery she did and how well it worked for my daughter's happiness because the problem she had had to be solved for psychological and physical reasons, I thank her for the way she approached my daughter because she was 16 at the time, the confidence she gave us and the result that we had was an operation in her sensitive area if we ever need her again it is certain that we will turn to the same... (Show more)

Athanasia Grigoroule - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much!! I will be happy if you give 5 stars

Response from the ownera year ago

I see some comments that Ms. Christoforidou is rude and it drives me crazy... Ms. Christoforidou is a very sweet person and very good at her job. I recommend her to everyone and she is an excellent professional.

Stella Tousioy - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much!

Response from the ownera year ago

Excellent services!

Αθανάσιος Δούλαλας - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much !

Response from the ownera year ago

Excellent doctor and person. Very good at her job and very helpful. Careful with everything, so that she always has not the best result, but the perfect one!

Jill Kessler - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much !

Response from the ownera year ago

Excellent doctor!!! , with a lot of experience and very careful in her work, an impeccable professional!!!

FRANCIS SHOES - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much !

Response from the ownera year ago

Excellent scientist, excellently trained, doing amazing work, great person above all

Petros Mastrogiannakos - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you !!!

Response from the ownera year ago

Five years ago I underwent breast surgery with silicone implants with Mrs. Christoforidou whom I had found on the internet, this was my first mistake! A few days after the operation and after a lot of problems I found out that I have stuck a pseudomonad stem apparently during the surgery which gave me about a month of suffering excruciating pain and a huge scar.. The doctor did not answer my phone calls she was completely indifferent which It led me to find another doctor and it was all very expensive! The operation alone cost me around six thousand euros, a not inconsiderable sum! As if the above was not enough four years later after an MRI I found that the insert in the right breast had disintegrated when we were supposed to have put in the best inserts for which of course I never got a receipt or certification of authenticity. When I called her to send me the record of the first surgery so that my doctor could see exactly what she had done in the operation she said that she can't help, luckily I found a solution with the clinic where I had the surgery and now everything is fine. I would not recommend the doctor while we had agreed on a small insert in the end it was huge the placement was not done correctly for it and the insert broke and in general her whole attitude made me terribly insecure. I would not under any circumstances recommend this doctor even to my worst enemy!... (Show more)

Aigli Stamati - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I'm really sorry for how you feel but from the beginning I suggested a correction and not a breast augmentation but you insisted on a breast augmentation and in fact I recommended a small implant and you chose the larger implant so I respected your wish. The operation did not cost €6,000 and I normally cut you a receipt that states a much smaller amount! When you had some small inflammation I suggested to examine you but you told me that you were away on your island and could not come for a review so I gave you instructions over the phone and in fact I called you many times and took an interest and with my instructions the inflammation was cured. After 8 years I think you called me and told me that you are tired of the implants and you want to remove them and because you live in Athens and for financial reasons you would go if I remember correctly in the evangelism and you didn't tell me anything about the implant breaking, because if you did that you would I gave you the guarantee of the inserts that replace them for free, but you wanted the inserts removed and repaired, so you told me, so the supposed rupture that you did not mention to me at all had nothing to do with it. You told me that the doctor who will operate on you told you to ask me what implants I put in and I gave you the phone number of the clinic where I operated on you in Athens and I told you that the surest thing, because many years have passed, is to ask the clinic for the surgery procedures where everything is recorded by me in detail with the tabs from the inserts and the warranty. I am really surprised by what you write because you never informed me about everything you write but we always had a good cooperation and I had the impression that you were happy.

Response from the ownera year ago

Amazing scientist and man. I don't change it at all

T - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you!

Response from the ownera year ago

Perfect service, friendly environment and the natural result just perfect!!!

Μαρια Ευαγγελου - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you!

Response from the ownera year ago

Excellent doctor. I am very lucky to have met her. The man who is educated and well skilled in his work shows. Whichever aesthetic method I tried the results were spectacular.

maria ioannou - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you !!!

Response from the ownera year ago

Wonderful professional man, I did various treatments and the result is amazing. I highly recommend it to you.

Foteini Kalimeri - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you !!!

Response from the ownera year ago

Excellent work and excellent service!!!

eva tasiou - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you

Response from the owner2 years ago

An excellent scientist recognized at a pan-European level, with amazing knowledge in the subject. It exceeded all our expectations. We highly recommend her for any type of treatment.

Avakas Ltd - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much !

Response from the owner2 years ago

Divine Charm has collaborated with Mrs Christoforidou successfully many times in the past, under clinic researches and beautician products promotion. All we can say is that we admired Christina's passion for perfect result, her persistence to satisfy even the most complicated and difficult case, and all this under a beautiful smile that overpasses even our slightest doubt.... (Show more)

Divine Charm - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much !

Response from the owner2 years ago

Visited many plastic doctors in the past all I have to say is that I was astonished by Mrs Christina's experience, kindness, professionalism and really good prices. Unfortunately I can't vote more than 5 stars in this review. I recommend fully the specific clinic, the doctor and the personnel. Thanks for your support in my such so difficult problem.... (Show more)

AYDAN ASAN - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much !

Response from the owner2 years ago

Excellent doctor qualified in her subject, approachable and humane behavior.

ΕΥΑ ΚΙΚΟΥ - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much !

Response from the owner2 years ago

Excellent scientist, kind and very good prices!

S A - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much !

Response from the ownera year ago

Perfect service proper professional reasonable prices!!!

Αθανασια Αθανασια - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you very much !

Response from the ownera year ago

Perfect laser result with the first application, the hair was noticeably reduced, very correct hygiene measures in the area

Έλενα Παναγιωτίδου - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you !

Response from the owner2 years ago

Unacceptable... I sent my man for N to do a treatment, the lady is more than rude, she is mean-spirited and extremely ironic.. The lady I sent them to, besides the fact that she did nothing to them, made fun of her..... The result is tragic. ...and we reserve all legal rights.. Receipts are attached ...... (Show more)

Maritina Kuriakou - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

He was treated with 2 hyaluronic teosyal teoxane and everything is recorded in our records. In addition, we made an appointment for her to be reviewed and she did not come. And suddenly we receive threatening and insulting phone calls for no reason. It can be proven with a histological examination by a medical examiner and from the photographs. I am conscientious and well-known in the area for years and I have no need to mock or ridicule anyone! I reserve every legal right I have for the slanderous criticism you exercise without reason!

Response from the owner2 years ago
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Address: Hagia Sophia 32, Thessalonikii, 546 22Greece
Leaflet QanoMed
Dr Christina Christoforidou
Dr Christina Christoforidou

Member of the International Association of Aesthetics Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), has specialized in London, Melbourne and Barcelona and specializes in all areas of Advanced Aesthetic Surgery with extensive experience in all new minimal invasive techniques, painlessly, safely and naturally result with inconspicuous scars and fast recovery.