Dr Antoaneta Yordanova-Sofia

Bulgaria - Sofia
5.0 12 reviews

About Dr Antoaneta Yordanova-Sofia For more information about Dr Antoaneta Yordanova-Sofia in Sofia please contact the clinic.

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Dermatologist Consultation

Dr Antoaneta Yordanova-Sofia Reviews

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Great. She helped me many times, in different, extreme situations. He listens. A great man.

Zireael Elen - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

A great specialist and person. Dr. Yordanova doesn't just prescribe you some diet. It measures all the necessary indicators - fat, muscle mass, etc. She advises patients to do the necessary research before any regimen to ensure that everything will be the best for the patient and that he will not only lose weight, but lose weight in a healthy way, feel good and comply with his tastes preferences. It also checks the emotional state of the person because it can be related to being overweight. Takes each patient's case to heart. Kind and attentive. She explains in understandable language and easily makes you trust her.... (Show more)

Irena Videnova - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

A true professional in every respect. He looks into every detail of the situation and achieves success. I trust Dr. Yordanova 100%!!!

Pepi Nikolaeva - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

An exceptional professional I recommend!

Albena Koralieva - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

As a professional chef, with established experience and surrounded by the temptations of modern cuisine, I fell into the trap of being overweight. The hectic rhythm of the day and professional commitments pushed me towards bad habits and improper nutrition. This in turn reflects on my overall health and tone. Dr. ANNA YORDANOVA helped me with her professional knowledge and dedication to a healthy lifestyle! By approaching my problem, Dr. Yordanova gave me the confidence I didn't think a professional nutritionist and homeopath needed. I am grateful and have faith that the help will lead me to future success and good health! With respect! I highly recommend and bow to the youth and professionalism of Dr. Anna Yordanova!... (Show more)

Petar Chakinski - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Can I call Dr. Yordanova to make an appointment?

Ivan Vatov - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr. Anna Yordanova is a true professional. She always approaches each individual case very carefully and strictly individually. It doesn't just throw some standard diet at you. It measures all the necessary indicators - fat, muscle and bone mass, water. It requires blood work to be done before a regimen is drawn up, and most importantly, following the regimen patients don't feel starved, dropped, irritable, or tired, which is great.... (Show more)

Диляна Мелникова - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr. Yordanova invests a lot of time in the beginning to get to know the overall condition of her patients and their individual needs. Only then does he give his professional advice and build the appropriate diet plans.

Slaven Slaveykov - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr. Yordanova is a great professional in her field. I recommend!!!

Kalina Smilqnova - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps


Dimitrina T - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

With thanks to Dr. Yordanova!

Atanas Ribarov - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: blvd. 73 ent B, office 204, SofiaBulgaria
Leaflet QanoMed