Doctor Palacín Casal

Spain - Barcelona
4.6 24 reviews

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4.6 (24 reviews)

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  • nice staff (2)
  • totally competent (2)
  • right on time (1)
  • high tech (1)
  • well-communicated (2)

Doctor Palacín Casal Reviews

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For me, being treated by Dr. Palacín's team has been one torture after another, he has skipped protocols to change an expander to a definitive prosthesis, he has cut me in the operating room as if I were an animal, I have had pain from the minute 1 who put the expander on me and then changed me to the definitive prosthesis, I had a 320 CC expander and he thought of putting a 390 CC prosthesis since it doesn't fit, he keeps cutting my flesh inside, until he destroys me even more inside, Their goal was to put in the prosthesis, I have been silent for a long time but I am tired of doctors believing they are gods, they have destroyed my right side, I don't post photos because I can hurt people's sensibilities, in the end they had to help me with the prosthesis. Social security, whoever wants more information, I have proof, total abandonment of me as a patient and because of this doctor and Dr. Manuel García Valdecasas, I have spent 2 years of my life without being able to get out of bed, my life is hell and I am desperate because they are not Gods and they have to pay for it, if you read my review, any help you can give me is little, thank you for listening to me virtually. Dr. Palacin, if you read my review, I'm not going to throw in the towel, I'm going for everything, it has destroyed my life.... (Show more)

Carmen Muñoz - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Highly, highly recommended. Very friendly and very professional

Alfredo Pina - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The operation went very well, I didn't find out anything, I have done two surgeries with him and he always entered the operating room very calmly.

Dolost Spain - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Friendly and excellent treatment with maximum medical attention

Francisco Spain - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I have been to your consultation many times, it conveys complete security

shona - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Results in male rhinoplasty as I had been advised. It is sincere and tells you how far you can go. And their team makes you feel at home. I would repeat with him without hesitation.

Harley davidson barna - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The best experience of my life, a breast reduction, with Dr. Palacin. Without a doubt I would trust him again without thinking about it. Excellent treatment. He expressed in me exactly what I wanted and always advising me what would be best for me. I recommend Doctor Palacin, Dr Neus and their entire anesthesia and nursing team without a doubt.... (Show more)

N RV - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

He is doing a breast reconstruction after a radical mastectomy, with the fipofilling technique, it is the second operation and everything is going great. At the moment I can only have good words and gratitude for him and his team, since Dr. Neus is also a great professional. I totally recommend him, both for his professionalism and for his human side. Thank you very much Doctors... (Show more)

ANA MARIA RODRIGUEZ LOBO - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Very personalized attention to my case. The treatment of the staff in the consultation was excellent, they gave me security and tranquility.

barcelona bcna - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Advice of 10. Team of 10. Deal of 10. All operations have their pros and cons, their risks and their results. After evaluating different specialists, I am super happy with the advice and treatment from Dr Palacín and his team. 100% trust and security. I couldn't have chosen better. Thank you!

Clara Alonso - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

My experience with Dr. Palacín has been unbeatable. He is an excellent professional and a close, reasonable and sincere person. I have had surgery with him twice, the first, a breast reduction, and the second, a double mastectomy. I have always entered the operating room with him in complete confidence and the results have always been 100% successful. I am deeply grateful to him for how he has helped me, and without a doubt, I will repeat the surgical experience on some other occasion with him.... (Show more)

Adriana Zalacain - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Since I was 3 years old, my family has taken me to Dr. Palacín for any cosmetic operation. A great, very approachable professional who makes you feel very calm when you put yourself in his hands.

Maria RC - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I am very surprised by comments I read because they have nothing to do with my experience. I had a breast augmentation 4 years ago and since the 1st visit everything has been more than right. I consulted 5 different surgeons and after seeing them all, I didn't have many doubts when deciding on Dr. Pancake Both he and his whole team were 10 from the 1st moment and it has always been like that (pre-op, operation and stay at the clinic and post-op visits). It was recommended to me by a friend who had already had surgery (both she and women in her family) and I was just as delighted. And my old doctor told me that if his daughter ever wanted surgery, she would choose him with her eyes closed.... (Show more)

Adriana GS - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you for your work. You did the surgery perfectly. And you have always provided good attention in the following years' consultations. You are exemplary in everything, both as a doctor and as a person.

MIKEL “INGUMA” NAIZ - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Thank you for my new nose, it has given me my life back. I'm glad I don't pay attention to the trolls and pay attention to the people actually operated by you. He is a great professional.

María Rivera - 5 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I had surgery with Dr. Palacin more than 15 years ago, I had a breast reduction and I do not understand the reviews I am reading, at no time did the doctor "force" me to do something that I did not want, at no time did he give me false hopes, nor did he hide any of the complications from me. I have worked in an aesthetic clinic and sometimes we want them to change absolutely everything, even our height and there are impossible things...when someone limits themselves to telling you the truth or advising you on what would be best, we become blinded and attack because we are not capable To face our nature, I have worked with many doctors and for me, from my point of view, I would go back and have surgery with him again.... (Show more)

Adriana Mateo Marin - 5 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I have had surgery with him twice. Liposculpture and rhinoplasty. I couldn't be happier, professional and it has left me beautiful! My cousin, my mother and a friend have also had rhino, breast and lipo. Undoubtely the best! What I read surprises me so much that I had to write this...

Andrea Romero - 5 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I have known Doctor Palacin for 15 years, I had a bad operation from the Canary Islands and the Doctor fixed it for me, now I am recovering from a breast augmentation and I am delighted, for me there is no other Doctor like Palacin, and his team, they are very nice and pleasant,

María SD - 5 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The truth is that Dr. Jose María Palacín is a great professional and person. Years ago I broke my nose and it is deformed. After the operation my nose was even better than it was at the beginning. The doctor always listened to me and advised me. I can only be grateful to him.

Alex Alonso Bayona - 6 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Huge professional with great human quality. He performed an abdominoplasty on me. The result was spectacular! I would do it again with my eyes closed. Very. highly recommended

Laia Chacón - 6 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: Consultoris Marquesa, Marquesa de Vilallonga, 12, Barcelona, 08017Spain
Leaflet QanoMed
Dr José María Palacin Casal
Dr José María Palacin Casal

He studied at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ??finalizing them in 1979. He obtained specialization in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at UAB, in 1983. He made stays specialization Pitanguy Clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Fox Hospital in Paris and Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat New York, between 1983 and 1987. He took part as medical equipment Plastic Surgeon Planas Clinic of Barcelona during the years 1983 to 1993. During this same period was medical consultant specialist in Plastic Surgery at the Military Hospital of Barcelona. He is head of the Unit of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Hospital Sant l'Esperit in Sta. Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona) since 1983. Since 1994 is part as Plastic Surgeon of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Teknon Medical Center. He has participated as a speaker or guest in multiple courses and national and international specialty congresses teacher. He has organized and directed Symposiums of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at the Teknon Medical Center of Facial Surgery (1997), Breast Surgery (1998), rhinoplasty (1999), Lifting and Blepharoplasties (2001), Rhinoplasties (2003) and facial rejuvenation (2005) . He is a member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SECPRE) of the Catalan Society of Cirurgia Plastic, Reconstructive i Estètica (SCCPRE) and active member of the European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS) has where been Council It member as Spanish representative between 2002 and 2006. It MIR resident tutor at the Teaching Unit for Aesthetic Surgery Associated Teknon Medical Center.

Dr Maribel Martí Giménez
Dr Maribel Martí Giménez

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona, ??1984. Master in Nutrition and Food Science. Diploma in Medical Laser (Interuniversity Diploma: Barcelona, ??Paris, L'Ille). Author of nutrition: Taste learn. Speaker at courses and conferences, national and foreign. Medical trainer in different techniques of Aesthetic Medicine. active member of the Scientific Societies: - Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine - Spanish Society of Medical-Surgical Laser - European Society for Laser (ESLAS)