Dentiamo - Cliniche Odontoiatriche - Cittadella
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Dentiamo - Cliniche Odontoiatriche - Cittadella Reviews
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Dr Paolo Campion
He graduated in Dentistry in 1990 at the University of Padua. Master in Clinical Implantology and Biomaterials at the University of Chieti in 1999 and at the same Master in Surgery Oralenel 2001 Since 1999 deals with applied laser dentistry within which performs educational activities. He has participated in numerous conferences and specialized courses in periodontal surgery, implant prosthesis in Europe and USA, participating as an active member in several events of the Academy of Osseointegration. And 'member of the Italian Society of Periodontology (SIDP), the SILO (Italian Society for Laser Dentistry) and is an active member of the Academy of Osseointegration. His private practice in Treviso in Northern Italy and focusing almost exclusively on implant prosthetics, periodontics and dental aesthetics.

Dr Enrico Guggia
Degree in dentistry from the University of Padua in November 2004. 2005-2006 follows the improvement in conservative and endodontics following numerous courses with the most authoritative specialists. Since 2007 deals with implantology and implant prosthetics attending courses both in Italy and abroad. Currently in private practice in North Italy dealing almost exclusively in implantology and immediate loading implants.

Dr Giampietro Volpato
He graduated in Dentistry at the University of Padua in 2006. Freelancer since 2006. Author of Italian and international scientific publications; continuously monitor courses and congresses of dental renovation. From 2005 to 2008 he attended the Department of Paediatric Dentistry (child dentistry) Castelfranco Hospital with dental surgeries in conscious sedation and general anesthesia in children and uncooperative with severe disabilities. Currently he involved in all aspects of general dentistry with a special interest in pediatric dentistry, aesthetic dentistry, conservative, extractive surgery and endodontics.
Fabulous staff :)