Clínica Dental Design

Brazil - Joao Pessoa
5.0 35 reviews

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5.0 (35 reviews)

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Clínica Dental Design Reviews

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I thank Dr Alexandre, an excellent professional who treated me in 2021 at the height of the pandemic with a very serious infection in my dental implant that I had in Cuiabá - MT. He provided special and humanized care, prescribing precise antibiotics to combat the infection and in a few days preparing me for surgery with a specialist on his team. Today I am alive thanks to the care of this honorable dentist. As for the implants, they have been perfect for 2 years. They solved the problem! I nominate and represent me!... (Show more)

Varnete Dias - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I've had a real fear of a dentist's chair since I was a child, but at Alexandre's clinic I managed to undergo about 3 months of treatment in peace. The attentive care, welcoming environment, music, encouraging and relaxed conversations made me feel at ease during the treatment. Thank you to Alexandre and Kelly. A big hug.... (Show more)

Terezinha Almeida - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

It was a pleasure to serve you. It is very rewarding to deal with people like you. We are also very happy to provide you with a more beautiful and functional smile. We loved the result of the treatment.

Response from the ownera year ago

Excellent service and professionalism, and the result was perfect, Dr. Alexandre is to be congratulated, I definitely recommend him

elvidio ramalho - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr. Alexandre has served my family for years, always with promptness and excellence. I strongly recommend.

Thais Bandeira - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr. Alexandre, Kelly and their teams are top professionals, both technically and ethically.

Thiago C. B. - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Dr. Alexandre helped solve two of my wife's dental problems, Áltera M A C de Azevedo, sensitivity and the replacement of baby teeth with implants. He and his team are extremely professional and wonderful human beings. 😍💖 …

Joildo medeiros - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Excellent professional!

Livia Falcão - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

The treatment with Dr. Alexandre is excellent! Very dedicated and prepared professional. I really liked the respect for appointments and exceptional service from your Assistant!

Laurineide Almeida Godoi - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I arrived at Dr Alexandre's office quite worried, as I had fractured a tooth and the case was quite delicate. I received very good service and my problem was resolved promptly. I recommend the professional because he is ethical, attentive to his patients and above all because he is very well trained.... (Show more)

Klécida Nunes - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Excellent professional, cozy place, always clean, ambient sound. Dr. Alexandre is always attentive and punctual, the same goes for his assistant. I highly recommend it!

Edson Martins - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps


Jadielson Neto - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

We appreciate your trust in our work. Your case turned out really good!

Response from the owner2 years ago

Excellent professional. He works with the client's integral vision and is able to perfectly measure the result of his intervention in relation to the whole. My best experience with a dentist in João Pessoa.

Nadime Helou - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

I don’t recall the year, but I was visiting JPA, and I needed a dentist but I did not know anyone in town. I googled it and I read about Dr. Alexandre Diniz. I was impressed by his accomplishments and I decided to give him a try. I had an amazing experience with Dr. Alexandre. I was getting veneers and I had only 10 days to get the entire work done. He explained to me all the treatments that he would do. I never doubted his work because he was so kind. His aid was funny and friendly and very welcoming. They made me feel right at home. Dr. Diniz is very professional and very personable. Undoubtedly the best dental-related experience I've ever had. From the first day I visited his office I’ve felt as though I’ve been cared for and treated like family. Nevertheless, my teeth have been in perfect condition since visiting there. Every year that I go to Brazil, I have to visit Dr. Diniz’s office, because I need him to double check my teeth— highly recommend!... (Show more)

Rogerio Wasilewski - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Excellent professional. I highly recommend it - especially for those who are afraid of the dentist (which isn't my case, but it's a recommendation!). Calm down, leave any patient calm too!!

Haryanne Arruda - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Great. I highly recommend it. Very humanitarian service. Great professionals.

Ieda Leadebal - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Excellent service with great professionals Note thousand.

angela maria - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Our team was very happy with your evaluation.

Response from the owner4 years ago

Out of 10 service, competent, attentive and friendly professional! Great payment conditions. I'm from SP, but I've already found my dentist :)

Izabel Ferreira Oliveira - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

My name is Camila Mangueira Augusto and I arrived at Dr. Alexandre's Clinic with a serious case of TMD, which gave me months of sleepless nights, tinnitus and intense facial pain. Dr. Alexandre is a great professional and solved my problem. I really appreciate your kindness and professionalism. He is an excellent professional!... (Show more)

Camila Mangueira Augusto - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Excelent reception! Very competent and attentive professional!

Mônica Negreiros - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

It was a pleasure serving you! When I meet her unexpectedly in the city and see that spontaneous smile, I feel like my duty has been fulfilled. Check back often!

Response from the owner4 years ago

Dr. Alexandre is incredible, I was very sad about my implant that I had with another dentist, Dr. Alexandre made a new crown that was perfect, before there was a huge space that kept accumulating food.

Anderson Rodrigues Moro - 4 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

We are happy to know that our dedication is generating positive results. We appreciate your trust and will be available when you need us. A big hug!

Response from the owner4 years ago
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Address: Avenida Epitacio Pessoa 753 Sala 1216 Edifício Central Park Bairro Dos Estados, Joao Pessoa, Paraíba, 58030904Brazil
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