Chirurgiadellabellezza - Centro Medico Epion

Italy - Lecce
3.7 11 reviews

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Chirurgiadellabellezza - Centro Medico Epion Reviews

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Xx “alyr” Alyr - a year ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

An object.. This is how I felt treated.. Or rather, a piggy bank to be precise. If you do the visits in the private centre, and pay 180 euros for them, she turns out to be one of the most knowledgeable and kindest doctors I have ever met. However, if due to financial problems I preferred to go to the polyclinic in Bari for the next visit, the same doctor did not he gave me a look! Sitting in a corner with my cell phone complaining that she couldn't wait to go home, while an assistant took the data that I had recorded for 6 months and that the doctor didn't even want to examine... To my requests for explanations for the his carelessness, he replies to me like this: "there is no cure for headaches, you have to live with it... I can't do anything"... So dear doctor, next time tell me at the first visit, so I can save myself the 180 euros and actually buy food for my children with it! I understand that a paid visit is faster in terms of waiting, but I don't accept that it changes professionalism! We are people not cannon fodder.. People like you are ruining our country!... (Show more)

Crisapio - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Bad experience after they postponed the appointment, once we show up at 7.30 pm, we enter the doctor's office at 8.15 pm who informs us that the exam to be done was too long and she had little time, I wonder but the times are unknown ?

rosanna spano - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Cozy structure

Tania Del Vescovo - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Excellent point

Carmelo Graziano - 2 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps

Very bad experience. In the last 2 weeks I have carried out 4 medical visits at the Bari polyclinic, Martina Franca hospital and 2 in private centers and no one has ever treated me like a plague victim as happened yesterday in the Epion center for not being vaccinated against covid for reasons that do not I am required to communicate as the secretary demanded. They "kindly" let me leave the building and wait outside in the cold and damp without taking into account that I was visiting for chronic migraine problems and I wasn't well. Also telling me that with my presence I could infect everyone and there was ONLY me in the waiting room. They at least had the foresight to notify on the phone that they require the green pass, since it is not mandatory for private visits, so one doesn't waste a day of work and time. Obviously I didn't make the visit and I thank you for the kindness shown.... (Show more)

mariadele raguso - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: Via Taranto, 287, LecceItaly
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