Center of Cosmetic Surgery-Milan Office

Italy - Milan
5.0 2 reviews

About Center of Cosmetic Surgery-Milan Office For more information about Center of Cosmetic Surgery-Milan Office in Milan please contact the clinic.

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Service - Visit Price
Breast Lift Surgery $7,032
Breast Augmentation $6,491
blepharoplasty $3,029
Liposuction $1,082
Full Abdominoplasty $5,409
Breast Reduction Surgery $9,736
Facelift Surgery $5,409
Mini Facelift $3,245
Rhinoplasty Surgery $3,245

Center of Cosmetic Surgery-Milan Office Reviews

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I performed a non-invasive laser blepharoplasty. The post "operation" is long but I must say that the doctor was really scrupulous and very good. I have already had two check-ups after this small operation and the doctor will want another update in a few days! Really thorough and talented!

Raffaella Sanode - 3 years ago - Review Provided by Google Maps
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Address: Via Gustavo Modena 26, MilanItaly
Leaflet QanoMed
Dr Massimo Maida
Dr Massimo Maida

Specialist in Plastic Surgery University of Turin, Italy. Master in Surgery, Reconstructive and Aesthetic University of Guadalajara Mexico. Diploma University of permanent training in Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic face University of Nancy France. He is the director of the team. He graduated with honors in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pisa in 1981, now is dedicated to the study of reconstructive surgery. Specializes in Plastic Surgery with honors at the University of Turin, in 1990 he won the competition to go to the Institute of Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Guadalajara in Mexico, where he remained for three years. Here you can explore the themes of plastic and cosmetic surgery. In 1993 he returned to Italy where he began working professionally and study. It 'been a speaker at over 50 conferences and meetings in Italy and abroad. He works as a scientific consultant to various newspapers specialized in the field of health. In 2001 he wrote the book "Beautiful is possible" published by Edimedia. Periods of international studies and advanced plastic surgery abroad including: University of Guadalajara - Mexico. Master in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Boston University - Boston United States. Internship at Harvard mecical School Division Plastic Surgery directed by Prof. Robert M. Goldwyn editor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery medical journal the specific plastic surgery world's most important.

Dr Carlo Pucci
Dr Carlo Pucci

Specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation. Expert in Aesthetic Medicine to address. Point-man and group organizer. Directs the Department of Anesthesiology. He graduated in Medicine at the University of Perugia in 1980. Specialist in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Over twenty years of experience, acting as anesthesiologist, in most surgical branches; decades of experience in first aid and resuscitation. Expert in aesthetic medicine, with expertise in the use of medical lasers and advanced technologies in medical-aesthetic, aimed at rejuvenating the face and body. Skills in cosmetology applied. Member of the Order of Doctors in the province of La Spezia

Dr Mario Raso
Dr Mario Raso

Specialist in Plastic Surgery University of Turin, Italy. Exercises at the National Cancer Institute of Milan - Structure of Laser Therapy Il Dott. Raso si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia il 30 Marzo nel 1993 presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino. Ha conseguito il diploma di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva con il punteggio di 70/70 con lode presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino. Ha partecipato a diversi congressi nazionali ed internazionali in qualità di relatore. Nel 1998 ha collaborato con il Ministero della Ricerca del Governo Giapponese per uno studio in microchirurgia della durata di tre mesi presso il Cancer Institute Hospital di Tokyo. Ha collaborato alla stesura del testo: Compendio di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva edito dalla UTET. Dal 1999 al 2011 ha rivestito il ruolo di Dirigente Medico di I livello presso la divisione di Chirurgia Plastica dell’Ospedale Mauriziano Umberto I di Torino e dal 2011 lavora presso l’Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano –Struttura di Laserterapia . Da molti anni si occupa di Chirurgia Plastica e Medicina Estetica.