Ovulation induction with Gonadotrophins and IUI |
$1,236 |
Surgical Sperm Aspiration = Pesa |
Surgical Sperm Retrieval (PESA) & 1 Year Storage |
$2,788 |
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) |
From $1,965
Egg Sharing with ICSI (Donor) |
$1,965 |
Egg Sharing with ICSI (Recipient) |
$6,844 |
ICSI with Host Surrogacy |
$8,112 |
ICSI Using Own Eggs/Own Sperm |
$5,830 |
ICSI Using Own Eggs/Donor Sperm |
$6,337 |
ICSI Using Donor Eggs/Own Sperm |
$7,098 |
ICSI Using Donor Eggs/Donor Sperm |
$7,605 |
Sperm Freezing |
From $253
Sperm Freezing for 1 Year (One Sample) |
$253 |
Sperm FreezingLong Term Sperm Storage |
$253 |
MERC (x2) Sperm Freezing for 1 Year |
$760 |
Egg Freezing |
Ovarian Stimulation & Egg Freezing (& Storage for 1 Year) |
$4,436 |
Hysteroscopy |
Hysteroscopy (Diagnostic) (30 mins) |
$444 |
Tubal Surgery |
Laparoscopic tubal surgery (1 hour 30 mins) |
$1,077 |
From $5,830
Egg Sharing with IVF (Donor) |
$951 |
Egg Sharing with IVF (Recipient) |
$5,830 |
$132 |
IVF Using Own Eggs/Donor Sperm |
$5,323 |
IVF Using Donor Eggs/Own Sperm |
$6,084 |
IVF Using Donor Eggs/Donor Sperm |
$6,591 |
IVF with Host Surrogacy |
$7,098 |